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a. (context firearms English) Relating to the situation where the capacity of the burning cartridge powder is more than the volume within the barrel.

  1. v. overcome; "overbear criticism, protest, or arguments"

  2. bear too much

  3. contract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery [syn: bear down]

  4. [also: overborne, overbore]


See overbear

Usage examples of "overbore".

I would be lying if I said that I ever fully trusted the Hunter, or that my relationship with the rakh-woman was entirely comfortable, but we discovered in our quest a common cause which overbore our natural tensions.

What kind of power did this woman have, that so easily overbore his self-control, his fears for Tarrant, his revulsion for the very temple that surrounded them?

But the frenzy of the mad world outside overbore this small disturbance and he wasn't hearing her.

That opinion was “that the statement made by Jessie Misskelley was a product of the influence tactics brought to bear on him, and that it overbore his initial stated intention to maintain that he had nothing to do with this crime and was not there.