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n. (plural of outlet English)

Usage examples of "outlets".

Ontario only by narrow outlets, appeared and disappeared, without bringing with them a single trace of a human habitation.

The weight of the metal outlets helped me to expose my weapon for the second I needed.

US news outlets like a cross freezes a vampire: a flat-out denial and soft-shoe explanation from a state official.

At each side of the rectangle, like outlets from a control center, doorways gave access to the several hotel restaurants, service elevators and food preparation rooms on the same floor and below.

The air duct outlets were easy to spot because of light filtering upward.

But the outgoing President, and several news outlets, had received brief, untraceable telephone calls from Mary Catherine Cozzano, assuring them that everything was okay.

Theodotus had lessened, young Ptolemy had been thrown into the company of little brother Philadelphus, and had found outlets for his youthful energies which he had come to enjoy far more than the attentions of Theodotus.