Crossword clues for orache
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Orach \Or"ach\, Orache \Or"ache\, n. [F. arroche, corrupted fr. L. atriplex, Gr. ?. Cf. Arrach.] (Bot.) A genus ( Atriplex) of herbs or low shrubs of the Goosefoot family, most of them with a mealy surface.
Garden orache, a plant ( Atriplex hortensis), often used as a pot herb; -- also called mountain spinach.
n. (alternative spelling of orach English)
n. any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Atriplex that thrive in deserts and salt marshes [syn: orach]
"Orache" is a short story by Russian American author Vladimir Nabokov originally published in Russian in 1932.
Usage examples of "orache".
The Garden Orache, or Mountain Spinach (Atriplex hortensis), is a tall, erect- growing hardy annual, a native of Tartary, introduced into this country in 1548.
The Garden Orache and the Arrach, the Sea Beet and the Glassworts are other native plants belonging to this large family, which has about 600 members.