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n. (plural of opponent English)

Usage examples of "opponents".

He decided that the buccaneers routinely appraised the fighting ability of those around them, either as potential opponents in a brawl or as comrades on board ship.

Such a scene of perfectly easy sociality between two such opponents in the war of political controversy, as that which I now beheld, would have been an excellent subject for a picture.

On Leonachim, a hot, humid world circling Pi Delta, he allowed five opponents to hide behind various barriers, took them all on at once, and won the contest before they could fire a single shot.

The crowd roared its applause as the Dancer tipped his hat, congratulated his opponents, and made his exit.

Billybuck disarm his opponents in the specialty tent, but a duel to the death is out of the question.

This time the robot was all business, using both guns to dispatch all five opponents in the twinkling of an eye.

His arms ached with the strain of holding off the blow, so he took advantage of his smaller size, spinning under his opponents arm and dancing out of reach.

For a moment one of her opponents hesitated and the Vala stepped forward, her staff blurring.

Scorecards are full of numbers, but they are powerful opponents anyway.

With every turn I peered ahead, looking for our opponents, but my uncle seemed to concern himself very little about them, and occupied himself in giving me advice, mixed up with so many phrases of the craft, that it was all that I could do to follow him.

There was the dust-cloud rolling up the hill in front of us, and through it we had a shadowy peep of the backs of our opponents, with a flash of brass-work and a gleam of scarlet.

We know who it is and so do our opponents, but the referees and stakeholder would take no notice of that.

And if you can defeat all twenty of your opponents -- one of us does that trick every year-- the Net awards you a billion dollars, tax-free, then transmits to you every congratulation from every one of your forgotten cousins.

This is something new: It is unusual for liberals not to conceive of themselves as Christ on the Cross and their political opponents as Nazi stormtroopers.

Let my opponents show that the facts which they and I use in common are unsound, or that I have misapplied them, and I will gladly learn my mistake, but this has hardly, to my knowledge, been attempted.