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ooze out

v. release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores" [syn: exude, exudate, transude, ooze]

Usage examples of "ooze out".

When in Alobar's company, when meditating or bathing, she could exult in a body that remained firm and juicy while thousands about her withered away, but alone in the frottage of twilight, awaiting Alobar's return from the spice docks, fear would ooze out of the brown pit of her chin dimple, and, whimpering, she would turn from one deity to another, even bizarre Ganesh, with his elephant head, pleading for mercy for not having submitted to a widow's death in the rope yard.

Alodar quickly scrambled up and dusted his hands against his robe, ignoring the blood which began to ooze out of many small cuts.

The bubbling voice seemed to ooze out of the darkness from all directions, shrill and inhuman.

Slowly he turned the bottle upside down and they both watched the fluid ooze out and drip into the reeds.

Once they establish their ground stations, smaller ships, which kind of ooze out of the main ones like bubbles of oil out of a great slick, can extend the active force fields as desired.

The tiniest trickles of blood ooze out from the imperfect seal where the anophelii mouthparts puncture it.

Foul water would also be apt to ooze out at all times, especially when bubbles of air were generated within the concavity.

As he drew on his underpants hastily Ted felt cream and blood ooze out to stain the cotton.

A few drops of blood began to ooze out of the torn flesh, and began to drip on the white foam rubber cover of the table.

Maybe he's sick like me, or just sick and it's finally beginning to ooze out.

Once settled, each Tiger began to ooze out a quick-drying camouflage foam from a system built under license from the Americans.

He hated everybody so much that the hate seemed to ooze out of him, like sweat.

It fell for hours, met the sea, and began to ooze out like an inverted mushroom cloud.