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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exudate \Ex*u"date\, v. t. & i. [See Exude.] To exude. [Obs.]
--Sir T. Browne.


Exudate \Ex*u"date\, n. A product of exudation; an exuded substance.


n. A fluid that has exuded from somewhere; especially one that has exuded from a pore of an animal or plant. vb. (context obsolete English) To exude.

  1. n. a substance that oozes out from animal or plant pores [syn: exudation]

  2. v. release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores" [syn: exude, transude, ooze out, ooze]


on a human finger.]]

An exudate is a fluid emitted by an organism through pores or a wound, a process known as exuding. Exudate is derived from exude, "to ooze," from the Latin exsūdāre, "to (ooze) out like sweat" (ex- "out" and sūdāre "to sweat").

Usage examples of "exudate".

He wiped the flowing vaginal exudate aside, did so again, but the expected asterisk was not to be found!

Mixing with scents carried by the moist, heavy wind, they made a stew for the senses, spiced with fecund exudates of life.

Gveest turned half-aside, as if ashamed, although his exudates continued to signal arrogant self-confidence.

Tenthag, when Pletrow confronted you, were you not shocked at how male her exudates appeared?

Heartsick, Baram can recognize the purple of Damei blood and lighter, oily streaks that must be the back exudates, the Stars Tears stuff.

Fearing the formation of an abscess somewhere inside the missile track, Ford took a sample of the exudate drained from the entry wound and was able to identify a gram-positive coccus, which the lab later narrowed down to Staphylococcus aureus through fluorescent antibody staining and a blood plasma coagulation test.

The gi-i-wa puffball of the Mixtecs, the sacred mushroom known as teonancatl (divine flesh) by the Aztecs, the tree fungus of the Yurimagua of Peru, the hex potion ayahuasca distilled by the Zaparo from the banisteriopsis vine as described by Villavicencio (1858) - all can be said to produce alkaloid exudates similar, chemically, to that obtained from Atropa belladonna.

There were faces covered with red and blue wattles, with hair, with saurian scales, with weeping scabs, with cheeselike exudate.

We'll be able to collect one month's exudate of gum arabic from it here in the present.

When the incisions were complete and acolytes had collected the flowing blood in bowls, the implanters inserted the hooked horns into the cut, employing a resinous exudate they produced to weld the horns to the shoulder bones and to seal the wounds around them.

The 'medicine' he provided to disguise your exudates when you returned to the test site has been known to us for scores of years.