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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
fail/neglect/omit to mention sth (=deliberately not mention something)
▪ I omitted to mention that I had not been to university.
▪ What happened next ... Perhaps he should omit the details.
▪ He omits a small detail in the form of the Government Whip.
▪ Insist that I will not rationalise blunders, or omit details to camouflage motives.
▪ Deliberately she'd omitted the fact that Paula had accompanied Newman.
▪ Wharfe is omitted from mention in official guides to the district and doesn't mind it all.
▪ Predictably, Communist historians omit any mention of this atrocity in their accounts of the period.
▪ Qaddafi's account omits all mention of authority, just as Zuwaya do; and neither emphasizes the role of women.
▪ Indeed, in its Manifesto to Members, the Institute omits any mention of members' interests.
▪ This can be: The final.0 of a device name may be omitted if the device is unique.
▪ In theory you can use the usual wedding speeches, simply omitting any references to white weddings.
▪ Please omit any reference to me in what you write of Patrick Hamilton.
▪ His appeal to Wilson modestly requested constitutional government, democratic freedoms and other reforms for Vietnamconspicuously omitting any reference to independence.
▪ The borough argued that the leaflet was misleading because it omitted all references to the joint liability of spouses and cohabiting couples.
▪ There were also the exercises that included having students omit certain words from their speech, Wirk said.
▪ In his presentation of the theorem, Kelvin omitted many details.
▪ Please do not omit any details, however trivial they may seem.
▪ Quady's name had been omitted from the list of honor students.
▪ But the fact that Johann Heinrich Silbermann omitted the check in his action remains intriguing.
▪ Companies do sometimes give incorrect details or omit them altogether on their company stationery.
▪ Disappointingly, the exhibition omits Rauschenberg's portrait and still-life photography, which is richly illustrated in the catalogue.
▪ I committed or omitted, however you want to put it - it's all the same thing.
▪ It marked the first time in a decade that the centers' annual request for injury-research proposals omitted firearms violence.
▪ It would have been better if they had been omitted.
▪ No doubt that story contained many scientific theories which she had had to omit from her tale, being unable to comprehend them.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Omit \O*mit"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Omitted; p. pr. & vb. n. Omitting.] [L. omittere, omissum; ob (see Ob- + mittere to cause to go, let go, send. See Mission.]

  1. To let go; to leave unmentioned; not to insert or name; to drop.

    These personal comparisons I omit.

  2. To forbear or fail to perform or to make use of; to leave undone; to neglect; to pass over.

    Her father omitted nothing in her education that might make her the most accomplished woman of her age.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Latin omittere "let go, let fall," figuratively "lay aside, disregard," from assimilated form of ob (here perhaps intensive) + mittere "let go, send" (see mission). Related: Omitted; omitting.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To leave out or exclude. 2 (context transitive English) To fail to perform. 3 (context transitive rare English) To neglect or take no notice of.

  1. v. prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece" [syn: exclude, except, leave out, leave off, take out] [ant: include]

  2. leave undone or leave out; "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten" [syn: neglect, pretermit, drop, miss, leave out, overlook, overleap] [ant: attend to]

  3. [also: omitting, omitted]

Usage examples of "omit".

We may, however, omit for the present any consideration of the particular providence, that beforehand decision which accomplishes or holds things in abeyance to some good purpose and gives or withholds in our own regard: when we have established the Universal Providence which we affirm, we can link the secondary with it.

As these several abnormal conditions and diseases will be treated of elsewhere in this volume, we omit their further consideration here.

The specific treatment, which should not be omitted, consists in administering doses of ten drops of the tincture of the muriate of iron in alternation with teaspoonful doses of the Golden Medical Discovery, every three hours.

Professor Pearson has omitted to enquire in a single case whether the alcoholism or the offspring came first.

Then I was greatly astonied, because I could not tell what this new vision signified, or what the intent of the celestiall god was, doubting least the former Priests had given me ill counsell, and fearing that they had not faithfully instructed me : being in this manner as it were incensed the god Osiris appeared to me the night following, and giving me admonition said, There is no occasion why thou shouldest be afraid with so often order of religion, as though there were somewhat omitted, but that thou shouldest rather rejoyce, since as it hath pleased the gods to call thee three times, when as there was never yet any person that atchieved to the order but once : wherefore thou maist thinke thy selfe happy for so great benefits.

All sensitive portions of the back should at first be omitted, in order that they may be benefited by the counter-irritation or drawing away of the blood.

Sibyl at once gave a full and truthful account of what had taken place, repeating her own remarks, and omitting only the fact that it was through her design that Bibbs had overheard them.

For the first time, Brye decided to omit one detail from his new, and accurate, story.

The hole in the cascabel for reeving a breeching has been purposely omitted in howitzers, as hitherto the use of a breeching has not been found necessary.

Principal theme, as such, is omitted, or affiliated with the coda, or one of its sections.

A couch by midwives attended with wholesome food reposeful, cleanest swaddles as though forthbringing were now done and by wise foresight set: but to this no less of what drugs there is need and surgical implements which are pertaining to her case not omitting aspect of all very distracting spectacles in various latitudes by our terrestrial orb offered together with images, divine and human, the cogitation of which by sejunct females is to tumescence conducive or eases issue in the high sunbright wellbuilt fair home of mothers when, ostensibly far gone and reproductitive, it is come by her thereto to lie in, her term up.

After dinner Calumet went out again to his work, apparently carefree and unconcerned, if we are to omit those thoughts in which Dade and Betty figured, Dade watched him with much curiosity, for the incident of the day before was still vivid in his mind, and if there had been.

I have transcribed all Chinese names in such a way that they can be easily remembered, omitting the diacritical marks of the Giles system of romanisation, which would only confuse the general reader.

Neither did he omit to take good Chyrurgeons, Doctors, Apothecaries, and Drugsters, to help the sick or wounded.

Prepare according to directions given for Baked Smelts a la Duxelles, omitting the chopped onion and the wine from the sauce.