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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
rule out/exclude a possibility (=say that something will definitely not happen or is definitely not true)
▪ We can't rule out the possibility that there will be more redundancies.
▪ Money held for business purposes is specifically excluded under all policies.
▪ It has written its growth management plan to specifically exclude residential development around Lego Park.
▪ The Act specifically excludes from its ambience cheques, safe-deposit books, membership certificates of co-operatives, and bills of exchange.
▪ Many policies specifically exclude rehabilitative or convalescent care.
▪ Such arrangements are specifically excluded from education and the social services.
▪ The remaining students were excluded from the analysis.
▪ Children with missing values for gestational age or birth weight were excluded from the analysis.
▪ These patients were excluded from further analysis.
▪ One study did not use a double-blind design and was therefore excluded from the analysis.
▪ We exclude from the analysis those five observations where the output decision was quite clearly in the wrong ballpark.
▪ In addition a single visit was made to five sites, but these counts have been excluded from this analysis.
▪ Korematsu was not excluded from the Military Area because of hostility to him or his race.
▪ As the name implies, the service is limited to the graphics-rich World Wide Web, excluding discussion areas.
▪ The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
▪ Thus the presence of dependants is used as a means of excluding women from benefits.
▪ Mr X and the spouse of Mr X may be excluded from all benefit.
▪ Mr X sets up an overseas trust under which he and his spouse are excluded from all benefit.
▪ The settlor and his spouse should thus effectively be excluded from all possible benefit under the trust.
▪ In other words, women's caring responsibilities are being used as a ground for excluding them from benefits.
▪ Nevertheless, these two last studies can not exclude a real benefit for the heater probe.
▪ A general exclusion clause which excludes liability altogether is thus very unlikely to be reasonable under s 3.
▪ Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
▪ Some exclusion clauses do not totally exclude liability for a breach but only restrict it.
▪ A special mention should be made of the use of novel forms of clauses designed to exclude any possibility of judicial review.
▪ Such clauses exclude all prior representations and negotiations, and, usually, ancillary documentation, such as sales literature, as well.
▪ First there are straight forward clauses which purport to exclude or limit liability for breaches of fiduciary duty.
▪ Equally important is the last sentence of the clause which excludes prior representations and extraneous material, such as sales catalogues.
▪ They are expressive of the sentiments of retributive justice that Beccaria wished to exclude from consideration of punishments.
▪ He excluded from consideration the interest of the state in protecting innocent third parties and preventing suicide.
▪ This calculation excludes any consideration of time costs, which evidence suggests are considerable.
▪ One specimen from each patient was examined histologically to exclude mucosal disease, notably microadenoma in familial adenomatous polyposis.
▪ Obstruction covered all mechanical obstruction to the urinary tract, excluding prostatic disease.
▪ It was also within the Special Commissioner's discretion to exclude opinion evidence that sought to answer the question before him.
▪ He ordered the drugs excluded from evidence.
▪ The Law Society also considers that the recommendation enabling judges to exclude relevant evidence in certain circumstances is capable of being abused.
▪ The decision whether to admit or exclude evidence lay with the court of trial.
▪ All that is necessarily involved is a sense of belonging that excludes indifference to the group as well as alienation from it.
▪ Extending the rights of man to women is not just another expansion of the social contract to include another excluded group.
▪ Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
▪ A notice in the guest's room sought to exclude liability for loss or damage to guest's property.
▪ A clause which does not expressly mention conditions will not normally exclude liability for breach of condition.
▪ Those terms include terms which limit and exclude our liability for breaches of contract.
▪ Can he exclude his liability for negligence?
▪ First, it is impossible to exclude liability for death or personal injuries caused by negligence.
▪ Clauses which seek to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation are regulated by s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967.
▪ If the drafter wishes to exclude liability in such cases, he/she must therefore ensure that the wording is very clear.
▪ You can't get peace in Sierra Leone by excluding one of the parties in the peace process.
▪ Torgyan alerted the media to the takeover, which had involved his being physically excluded from party headquarters.
Patients with previous cholecystitis diagnosed by scintigraphic examination of the gall bladder were excluded.
▪ We excluded recently transfused patients and no patients had increased reticulocyte counts.
Patients with gall stones or established inflammatory bowel disease were excluded.
▪ Exhaustive microbiological analysis were performed in order to exclude patients with gastrointestinal infection.
Patients with secondary involvement of the stomach by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were therefore excluded.
▪ He excluded patients with cystic fibrosis by performing duodenal drainage tests for the measurements of pancreatic enzyme concentrations in the duodenal juice.
▪ However, at a clinical level such factors need to be excluded when examining a patient suspected of having dementia.
Patients with abnormal liver function tests, gall stones, previous cholecystectomy, or hepatic metastases were excluded.
▪ Some relocation policies exclude new recruits from receiving other allowances, such as travel and accommodation expenses.
▪ Our interview policy excludes no-one, and our pages have never been dominated by any one style.
▪ Many policies specifically exclude rehabilitative or convalescent care.
▪ The storm section of the policy excludes landslip damage but the damage could be covered under the landslip section of the policy.
▪ It should be noted that the policy excludes the theft of any pedal cycle left both unlocked and unattended away from the home.
▪ The policy excludes any part of the premises used for business purposes.
▪ We can not exclude the possibility, however, of abnormal metabolism of platelet activating factor in four of them.
▪ The second step is designed to exclude this possibility.
▪ For example although duration is commonly measured for tantrums, this does not exclude the possibility of measures of frequency.
▪ A special mention should be made of the use of novel forms of clauses designed to exclude any possibility of judicial review.
▪ Thus, for both of them the theory of forms excluded all possibility of evolution.
▪ However the courts are in general reluctant to exclude the possibility of such legal representation intoto within a particular area.
▪ The guidelines exclude the possibility of assessment of the bargain under the contract as described above.
▪ No description of such entities is so precise as to exclude apriori all possibility of an ambiguous reference.
▪ The professions have not been excluded from this process.
▪ And who is being excluded in this process?
▪ Under the 1935 Act the hill areas were excluded from the political process.
▪ In practice, no group can be excluded from the process.
▪ The consequence is, therefore, that far fewer girls than boys are excluded from school.
▪ Must religion be completely excluded from schools?
▪ She tells Karen that Victor is being excluded from school indefinitely for bullying and for kicking Joan.
▪ Truants and those excluded from school were five times more likely to take drugs.
▪ Nationally, 8% of black pupils are excluded from schools.
▪ They've all been partially excluded from mainstream schools, where they found it hard to fit in.
▪ Two patients from each group were excluded from the study after six months of active treatment.
▪ Patients with previous oesophageal or gastric surgery were excluded from the study.
▪ These confounding factors may largely be excluded by future case-control studies.
▪ People who said they wouldn't borrow money were excluded from this study.
▪ Patients with abnormal findings at endoscopy or who had had previous surgery were excluded from the study.
▪ The figure gives a detailed breakdown of patients included and excluded from the study.
▪ Subjects were excluded from the study if they suffered from any debilitating or life threatening disease, including invasive cancer.
▪ Its use of active procedures tends to exclude women, for instance.
▪ There are many ways of excluding women.
▪ Thus the presence of dependants is used as a means of excluding women from benefits.
▪ The strategy of continuing to exclude women from the union did not prevent their recruitment in ever greater numbers by the employers.
▪ In understanding male power it is important to understand that masculine oligarchies exclude not only all women but most men.
▪ More social history is being taught but examination syllabuses still focus on political and economic history which conventionally excludes women.
▪ We excluded women with hypothyroidism and with hyperprolactinaemia related to drug treatment.
▪ The vote, which excludes ordination of women as bishops, needed only a simple majority.
▪ I don't feel bitter about being excluded.
▪ It was hard for Kent, a new and very young company member as well as white, not to feel excluded.
▪ And you feel excluded by the lesbian communities.
▪ Nixon because he felt excluded from it, Kennedy because he considered it beneath him.
▪ When Miranda used to fizz about being in a play, I felt ... excluded.
▪ If you live long enough on South Vermont, you begin to feel not just excluded but out of the picture entirely.
▪ I feel jealous and excluded, but I am ashamed to say so.
▪ Connections' inaugural issue featured a front-page story by Scott Forman about growing up feeling different and excluded in a sighted world.
▪ Which is why a society that blithely accepts this included / excluded ledger is an unsafe society.
▪ Stili another possibility is final domestic sales which includes imports but excludes exports and inventory investment. 6.
▪ Furthermore, the shifting definition of an Elandsklower included and later excluded certain individuals from the register.
▪ Extending the rights of man to women is not just another expansion of the social contract to include another excluded group.
▪ Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
▪ First there are straight forward clauses which purport to exclude or limit liability for breaches of fiduciary duty.
▪ A notice in the guest's room sought to exclude liability for loss or damage to guest's property.
▪ Clauses which seek to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation are regulated by s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967.
▪ The haulier will seek to exclude his contractual liability for certain acts or omissions, just like any other shrewd businessman.
▪ In the fringing rural areas, existing residents seek to exclude lower income owner occupied developments.
▪ Experts could seek to exclude the implied duty of skill and care in individual references, but it is not attractive.
▪ Joe felt sure the others were speaking Russian simply to exclude him.
▪ Kids who are excluded from school often end up getting into trouble with the police.
▪ She felt they were deliberately excluding her from their plans.
▪ Stack belongs to a country club that once excluded blacks and Jews from membership.
▪ The Catholic church continues to exclude women from the priesthood.
▪ The governing body decided to exclude Declan for two weeks.
▪ The new law protects most workers, but excludes those on part-time contracts.
▪ The report concluded that far more boys were excluded each year than girls.
▪ Among those children, thus excluded from our final reckonings, was the boy I have called Edward.
▪ Clauses which seek to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation are regulated by s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967.
▪ Mr X and the spouse of Mr X may be excluded from all benefit.
▪ Patients with previous cholecystitis diagnosed by scintigraphic examination of the gall bladder were excluded.
▪ The Sixth Directive, art 11A.3, states that the taxable amount excludes price discounts.
▪ These features excluded any intention of the parties to allow claims from the individual inhabitants.
▪ This effectively excludes vast swathes of the planet's population.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exclude \Ex*clude"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Excluded; p. pr. & vb. n. Excluding.] [L. excludere, exclusum; ex out + claudere to shut. See Close.]

  1. To shut out; to hinder from entrance or admission; to debar from participation or enjoyment; to deprive of; to except; -- the opposite to admit; as, to exclude a crowd from a room or house; to exclude the light; to exclude one nation from the ports of another; to exclude a taxpayer from the privilege of voting.

    And none but such, from mercy I exclude.

  2. To thrust out or eject; to expel; as, to exclude young animals from the womb or from eggs.

    Excluded middle. (logic) The name given to the third of the ``three logical axioms,'' so-called, namely, to that one which is expressed by the formula: ``Everything is either A or Not-A.'' no third state or condition being involved or allowed. See Principle of contradiction, under Contradiction.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-14c., from Latin excludere "keep out, shut out, hinder," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + claudere "to close, shut" (see close (v.)). Related: Excluded; excluding.


vb. 1 To bar (someone) from entering; to keep out. 2 To expel; to put out. 3 (context legal of evidence English) To refuse to accept as valid. 4 (context medicine English) To eliminate from diagnosis consideration.

  1. v. prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece" [syn: except, leave out, leave off, omit, take out] [ant: include]

  2. prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country" [syn: keep out, shut out, shut] [ant: admit]

  3. lack or fail to include; "The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages" [ant: include]

  4. prevent from entering; keep out; "He was barred from membership in the club" [syn: bar, debar]

  5. put out or expel from a place; "The child was expelled from the classroom" [syn: expel, eject, chuck out, throw out, kick out, turf out, boot out, turn out]


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Usage examples of "exclude".

It was agreed that we would not affiliate with any International that excluded the Russian Comrades, who were fighting world imperialism, or the Comrades opposed to the Ebert-Scheidemann regime in Germany.

Also, it would be open to show, by contemporaneous history, that this mode of alluding to slaves and slavery, instead of speaking of them, was employed on purpose to exclude from the Constitution the idea that there could be property in man.

In the dinner-table scene where Van and Ada talk of translation, the two youngsters are not yet lovers, but their highly ornate allusiveness in referring to Rimbaud and Marvell rudely excludes Marina from the conversation.

Furthermore, the resinous parts of these balsamic oils, as they dry upon the sore or wound, seal it up, and effectually exclude all noxious air.

Sculptured sprays and berries, with leaves of Mistletoe, fill the spandrils of the tomb of one of the Berkeleys in Bristol Cathedral--a very rare adornment, because for some unknown reason the parasite has been always excluded from the decorations of churches.

Now, in contrast to the Occidental thinker, who covets alternation because in his cold climate action is the means of enjoyment, the Hindu, in the languid East, where repose is the condition of enjoyment, conceives the highest blessedness to consist in exemption from every disturbance, in an unruffled unity excluding all changes.

What became clear to Bonk as one decade bled into the next was that the Libyans had grown tired of being excluded from the world community.

The Missouri Compromise, made in 1820 upon the occasion of the admission of Missouri into the Union as a slave State, whereby, in consideration of such admission, slavery was forever excluded from the Northwest Territory, was ruthlessly repealed in 1854, by a Congress elected in the interests of the slave power, the intent being to force slavery into that vast territory which had so long been dedicated to freedom.

The new year of 1854 found slavery excluded from more than half the States by State Constitutions, and from most of the National territory by Congressional prohibition.

I think he says in some of his speeches indeed, I have one here now--that he saw evidence of a policy to allow slavery to be south of a certain line, while north of it it should be excluded, and he saw an indisposition on the part of the country to stand upon that policy, and therefore he set about studying the subject upon original principles, and upon original principles he got up the Nebraska Bill!

I did not merely say that I would dislike to be put to the test, but I said clearly, if I were put to the test, and a Territory from which slavery had been excluded should present herself with a State constitution sanctioning slavery,--a most extraordinary thing, and wholly unlikely to happen,--I did not see how I could avoid voting for her admission.

Mexican laws would control that question during the Territorial existence, and that these old Mexican laws excluded slavery.

They also found a law existing, supposed to be valid, by which slavery was excluded from almost all the territory the United States then owned.

He selects parts of the history of the United States upon the subject of slavery, and treats it as the whole, omitting from his historical sketch the legislation of Congress in regard to the admission of Missouri, by which the Missouri Compromise was established and slavery excluded from a country half as large as the present United States.

Knox, a correspondent of the New York Herald, has been by the sentence of a court-martial excluded from the military department under command of Major-General Grant, and also that General Thayer, president of the court-martial which rendered the sentence, and Major-General McClernand, in command of a corps of that department, and many other respectable persons, are of opinion that Mr.