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  1. Treated as an object v

  2. (en-past of: objectify)

  1. v. make external or objective, or give reality to; "language externalizes our thoughts" [syn: exteriorize, exteriorise, externalize, externalise]

  2. make impersonal or present as an object; "Will computers depersonalize human interactions?"; "Pornography objectifies women" [syn: depersonalize, depersonalise] [ant: personalize, personalize]

  3. [also: objectified]


See objectify


Objectified is a feature-length documentary film examining the role of everyday non-living objects, and the people who design them, in our daily lives. The film is directed by Gary Hustwit. Objectified premiered at the South By Southwest Festival on March 14, 2009.

According to Swiss Dots Production, the film is the second part in a 3-film series Design Trilogy the first being Helvetica about the famous typeface and the third and last film being the documentary Urbanized.

Usage examples of "objectified".

In the dualistic, mechanical philosophy that dominated the rise of modern science, nature was not only seen as devoid of consciousness but also was objectified to the point that it was divorced from perceptual experience altogether.

Thus, even the subjective experiences of peace and happiness are objectified as people become fixated on the external signs of security and enjoyment.