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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ His lawyer said his client had not yet received any formal notification of the conviction.
▪ Embassy here, John M.. Ordway, to receive the formal notification.
▪ Two days after I returned, of official notification came that I was missing, believed killed in action.
▪ His wife received the official notification from the Air Ministry a few days after they had celebrated their first anniversary of their wedding.
▪ The publication gave official notification of changes and improvements to the structure and benefits of the scheme.
▪ It was dated 10 July: I imagine by now you have received official notification that Leslie is missing.
▪ The Presidential ruling allows plants to exceed their existing emissions limit without prior public notification.
▪ In the case of non-private customers, prior written notification is sometimes acceptable in place of the customer's written consent.
▪ As with all advice to clients, written notification must follow the spoken word.
▪ Benefits of membership include: A regular newsletter giving early personal notification of events.
▪ The publication gave official notification of changes and improvements to the structure and benefits of the scheme.
▪ Where the notification is made by a parent company, however, its subsidiaries do not have to make their own notification.
▪ Rosa's headmaster was surprised to receive a notification that the school would shortly be visited by an inspector.
▪ Nor, it seemed to him, would he have received notification of this one had it not been for the ultimatum.
▪ We received notification of advice sessions for Merseyside businesses.
▪ Each week we receive exclusive notification of thousands of commercial credit agreements relating to sole traders and partnerships as well as limited companies.
▪ Within one month of receiving the notification, the Commission has to decide whether to approve the merger or to open proceedings.
▪ It is assumed that the asylum seeker will receive that notification the day after it is posted.
▪ If so, it must be done within five days of receiving the notification.
▪ Housing official signed transfer forms and I was told I would receive notification of anew house within a week.
▪ This requires adequate notification of holiday arrangements.
▪ Arrangements for notification of staffing needs to the Bank should be devised.
▪ But the arrival of a high-risk offender warrants door-to-door notification of the entire neighborhood.
▪ His name was withheld pending notification of family members.
▪ In addition, some candidates received notification of part success in at least one module.
▪ The notification requirement will apply to any investor, even if the investor is not EC-resident.
▪ The spousal notification requirement is thus likely to prevent a significant number of women from obtaining an abortion.
▪ Where the notification is made by a parent company, however, its subsidiaries do not have to make their own notification.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Notification \No`ti*fi*ca"tion\, n. [Cf. F. notification. See Notify.]

  1. The act of notifying, or giving notice; the act of making known; especially, the act of giving official notice or information to the public or to individuals, corporations, companies, or societies, by words, by writing, or by other means.

  2. Notice given in words or writing, or by signs.

  3. The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, or citation, etc.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French notificacion (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin notificationem (nominative notificatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin notificare "to make known, notify" (see notify).


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The act of notifying. 2 (context countable English) A specific piece of information that serves to notify. 3 (context countable English) A text message on a cell phone.

  1. n. an accusation of crime made by a grand jury on its own initiative [syn: presentment]

  2. informing by words [syn: telling, apprisal]

  3. a request for payment; "the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting" [syn: notice]


Notification may refer to:

  • Notification (Holy See), a notification by a department of the Roman Curia
  • Casualty notification, the process of notifying relatives of people who have been killed or seriously injured
  • Death notification, the process of notifying relatives of a military person who has died
  • Partner notification, the practice of notifying the sexual partners of a person who has been newly diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease
Notification (Holy See)

A notification by the Holy See is an official announcement by a department of the Holy See, the leadership of the Catholic Church in Rome.

The term used in Latin is notificatio, and in Italian it is notificazione. English translations most frequently use the similar word "notification", but sometimes use the word "note" or, as is more common for similar announcements by English-speaking entities, the word "notice".

A notification is issued "by one with executive authority, which usually serves as a reminder of something contained in the law, or explains more clearly the meaning of a law".

Notifications are simply one of the many forms of documents issued by the Holy See. Apart from the more solemn declarations on matters such as doctrine, religious freedom or Christian education, and the legislative, judicial and administrative decrees supplementing or implementing a law, there are instructions, circular letters, directories, notifications, statutes, norms and ordinances.

As for the many other documents of the Holy See, the subject matter determines the department that issues a notification. For instance, a notification regarding copyright governing voice recordings of Pope Benedict XVI was issued by Vatican Radio in September 2005 and notifications concerning liturgical celebrations by the Pope are regularly issued by the office in charge of such celebrations.

Notifications by any department of the Holy See are usually published on L'Osservatore Romano (The Roman Observer), the semi-official newspaper of the Holy See. If the notification is of sufficient importance, it is also included in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (Acts of the Apostolic See), the official gazette of the Holy See.

Usage examples of "notification".

FAA to obtain military assistance from NORAD required multiple levels of notification and approval at the highest levels of government.

Commission in May 2003, NORAD officials stated that at 9:16, NEADS received hijack notification of United 93 from the FAA.

NORAD officials stated that at 9:24, NEADS received notification of the hijacking of American 77.

CIA must bring presidentially authorized covert action Findings and Memoranda of Notification to the Intelligence committees, and it must detail its failures.

President Clinton signed a Memorandum of Notification authorizing the CIA to let its tribal assets use force to capture Bin Ladin and his associates.

August Memorandum of Notification, the CIA had already been working on new plans for using the Afghan tribals to capture Bin Ladin.

Memorandum of Notification instructed the CIA to capture Bin Ladin and to use lethal force only in self-defense.

February 1999,another draft Memorandum of Notification went to President Clinton.

In response to this request, the President signed the Memorandum of Notification whose language he personally altered.

CIA got some additional covert action authorities, adding several other individuals to the coverage of the July 1999 Memorandum of Notification that allowed the United States to develop capture operations against al Qaeda leaders in a variety of places and circumstances.

Memorandum of Notification, which included more open-ended language authorizing possible lethal action in a variety of situations.

For notification of an inbound aircraft at 10:02, see USSS record, Intelligence Division timeline, Sept.

For the draft authorities, see CIA briefing materials, talking points for DCI meeting with Rice on the draft Afghanistan counterterrorism finding and the draft UBL Memorandum of Notification, Mar.

Bork believed in terrible things like parental notification before a minor has an abortion.

The copilot and a female passenger not yet identified pending notification of next of kin were said to be dead.