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a. That does not involve competition or rivalry. alt. That does not involve competition or rivalry.


adj. not involving competition or competitiveness; "noncompetitive positions"; "noncompetitive interest in games" [ant: competitive]

Usage examples of "noncompetitive".

Sassoon was out shopping, but she suspected he was interested in having a noncompetitive friend close to his own age.

He exercised regularly at mild noncompetitive sports and had always been fairly fit but never robust.

A freely competing economy based on monetary values seemed incompatible with the noncompetitive Ganymean character and raised the question of what alternative system the aliens used to measure and control the obligations between an individual and the rest of society.

But to get that data, you have to impress a noncompetitive agent with your suppositions.

Antitrust law is rooted in the idea that the government should prevent the formation of monopolies as well as other noncompetitive practices in order to preserve a functioning, fair free-market economy.

In coastal climes markets were abundant, but the water-temperature differentials were too small unless the OTEC facilities were huge, which made them noncompetitive with nuclearor fossil-fuel-generated electricity.

Freitas Interplanetary allowed anyone with intimate knowledge of the Timescoop to desert them for another employer, even a noncompetitive employer such as a university.

He was pleasant, polite and noncompetitive, exactly as a model citizen ought to be.

You have a suppositional structure, which you need more data to substantiate sufficiently to impress someone who has turned noncompetitive.