NewsBios is an Internet-based service that provides in-depth, unauthorized biographies on the world’s most influential business and financial reporters, editors, writers, producers, anchors, freelancers and other journalists. The Sunday New York Times described the service on October 5, 2014, comparing and contrasting the methods of NewsBios with the methods of professional journalists: “NewsBios employs techniques that journalists use: Doing web searches of people's backgrounds, reading their social media posts to learn more about them and drawing conclusions. The difference is that journalists generally notify and seek interviews with the subjects of profiles, whereas NewsBios promises to ‘never contact the journalists directly.”
The service was also covered in January 2015 by The Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), which noted that NewsBios "compiles dossiers on journalists, scouring obituaries, social media, real-estate records, and past stories, and claims to turn up worldview-shaping experiences. The rub is in a disclaimer: NewsBios doesn’t verify the information found online."
NewsBios offers professionally researched reports on any journalist, at any news organization, anywhere in the world. As of October 2014, the pricing for a NewsBio dossier was: 3 Business Days - $200; 2 Business Days - $295; 1 Business Day - $375; Same Day / Weekend - $425.