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n. (plural of neurosis English)

  1. n. a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction [syn: neuroticism, psychoneurosis]

  2. [also: neuroses (pl)]


See neurosis

Usage examples of "neuroses".

Or it may be that the whole yarn comes from neuroses long abused by stuff like this.

But the thing remains, and perhaps it is one of the inevitable neuroses of war.

As Freud observed, communal neuroses will always be much harder to detect because they define an entire group, not an individual distinct from the group.

Belaboring the accumulated neuroses of twenty years would solve nothing.

All his life he had fallen for faces, irrationallyand fully knowing it was irrationalignoring the neuroses, personality disorders, stupidity, greed and vanity that often lay beneath the skin of those faces.