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In Greek mythology, Nereus (; ) was the eldest son of Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia ( the Earth), who with Doris fathered the Nereids and Nerites, with whom Nereus lived in the Aegean Sea.

Nereus (disambiguation)

Nereus, in Greek Mythology, was the eldest son of Pontus and Gaia.

Nereus may also refer to:

  • 12 metre yacht Northern Lights, which competed in the America's Cup under the name Nereus.
  • 4660 Nereus, a small asteroid
  • Nereus (Grid Computing), an open-source Java based computer software utility for Massively Parallel Computing
  • Nereus (Martian crater), a small crater on Meridiani Planum
  • Nereus (meta modeling language), a meta modelling language used in computer science
  • Nereus (Nuclear Reactor)
  • Nereus (underwater tidal turbine), built by marine renewable power company Atlantis, installed at Newhaven, Victoria, Australia
  • Nereus (underwater vehicle), a hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle/remotely operated vehicle from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
  • Nereus (walrus), an orphaned walrus that resided in the Indianapolis Zoo
  • Nereus Pharmaceuticals, an American pharmaceutical company founded in 1988
  • Nereus Rowing Club, Amsterdam, founded in 1885
  • Nerus (Stargate), a fictional character on Stargate SG-1
  • NEREUS, the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies
  • Saint Nereus, a Roman saint
  • Nereus, a Greek steamer known previously as the SS Pfalz
  • USS Nereus
Nereus (crater)

Nereus is a small impact crater lying situated within the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle (MC-19) region of the planet Mars with a diameter of about . It is located just south of the planet's equator on the relatively smooth Meridiani Planum (plain).

It was discovered by the Opportunity Mars rover on Sol 2010 (2009-09-19), being noticed because it is surrounded by jagged rocks, and was the Astronomy Picture of the Day for 2009-10-19.

It is named for Nereus a Greek god who lived with the Nereids in the Aegean Sea.