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neon sign

n. An illuminated sign constructed from fluorescent lights in the form of bent glass tubes; the different colours being obtained by adding different noble gases to the neon.

Neon sign

In the signage industry, neon signs are electric signs lighted by long luminous gas-discharge tubes that contain rarefied neon or other gases . They are the most common use for neon lighting, which was first demonstrated in a modern form in December 1910 by Georges Claude at the Paris Motor Show. While they are used worldwide, neon signs were extremely popular in the United States from about 1920–1960. The installations in Times Square, many originally designed by Douglas Leigh, were famed, and there were nearly 2000 small shops producing neon signs by 1940. In addition to signage, neon lighting is now used frequently by artists and architects, and (in a modified form) in plasma display panels and televisions. The signage industry has declined in the past several decades, and cities are now concerned with preserving and restoring their antique neon signs.

Usage examples of "neon sign".

The last neon sign on Main Street was just going out when I got up to go into the house.

She could just see the edge of the neon sign running below the window, and understood why the curtains were made of such heavy fabric.

An unlit neon sign near the main entrance offered CHEAP HOTEL under a cluster of ideograms.

Which proved to be from this skinny little neon sign that said, in blue capital letters: COGNITIVE DISSIDENTS.

An unlit neon sign near the main entrance offered CHEAP HOTEL under a cluster of ideo-grams.

The words kept running through Char's head, the letters huge and glowing like a bright, multicolored neon sign.

Every neon sign in Times Square had a new color added to its spectrum.

At the far corner of the block a bar's neon sign flickered like an eyelid with a nervous twitch.

The sun struck her across the face, and she closed her eyes, breathing in the scents as if they were memories: cars and chrome, miniskirts and oversized jewelry, hot-rodding in the Valley, hot groping in the back-seat, lipstick as bright as any neon sign, kohl as black and thick as pitch: desperate attempts to escape her sadness, her prison - Diana's Garden.

The trail across the meadow was as plain to him as a neon sign would have been, and he set off at a lope, with Joe on his heels.

He gave his children a big easy-to-read sign, words in tall black letters, maybe golden lettersmaybe it was a neon sign.