a bargaining/negotiating position (=someone’s ability to bargain/negotiate)
▪ The new law has strengthened workers' bargaining position .
broker/negotiate a compromiseformal (= find one that everyone can accept, especially with difficulty)
▪ They admitted that their efforts to negotiate a compromise had failed.
negotiate a contract (=agree the conditions of a contract with someone)
▪ Your lawyer will assist you in negotiating a contract.
negotiate a deal (=agree a deal by discussing over a long period)
▪ We have negotiated a special deal with one of the world’s leading car hire companies.
negotiate a settlement (=have discussions to try to reach a settlement)
▪ His lawyers are understood to be negotiating a settlement.
negotiate a treaty (=discuss the conditions of a treaty with other people in order to reach an agreement)
▪ He was instructed to negotiate a treaty with Siam.
negotiate an agreement (=discuss particular things in order to reach an agreement)
▪ They have been trying to negotiate an agreement with a Chinese company.
▪ We are currently negotiating with various companies who are eager to produce a video for us.
▪ The board were currently negotiating to build a new home in the Edinburgh area, he added.
▪ Wimpey is currently negotiating to provide private finance to build a conference centre for a Government training establishment.
▪ It says it is currently negotiating with several Sparcsystem builders to ship Conix as a standard component on every machine.
▪ Undaunted by this set-back, Nicholson successfully negotiated the rights to the Medlock patent for the considerable sum of £2000.
▪ And then he sees it, and the moment is successfully negotiated.
▪ Chigaga had just successfully negotiated a US$650 million economic restructuring package.
▪ It was largely due to him that I managed to negotiate successfully with government officials and tribal chiefs during the months that followed.
▪ Archie got a surge of confidence after successfully negotiating a step or two.
▪ Through a combination of skill and fortitude two stages of the arduous course to this pot of gold have been successfully negotiated.
▪ I mentally crossed off each successfully negotiated landmark as the cloud built up.
▪ Alternatively, cross-licensing agreements might be negotiated -- or the whole question could be rendered moot by further innovations, attorneys say.
▪ The Halifax had entered a similar agreement with Hyde housing association and other agreements were being negotiated.
▪ Operations were suspended for a day while a new union agreement was negotiated.
▪ Legal and business advice is extremely helpful in establishing exactly which areas in an agreement can be negotiated. 1.
▪ The agreement, negotiated for about three weeks and signed by lawyers Wednesday, averted a trial scheduled for Monday.
▪ Here, Green saw an opportunity to negotiate an arrangement which could have resolved a number of problems.
▪ This doctrine was acceptable where two powerful companies were negotiating a contract in a free market, but contractually weaker persons suffered.
▪ The companies have recently been negotiating deals with individual governments to lower prices.
▪ They will even phone your gas or electricity company to negotiate repayments.
▪ Of course, there is no reason why individual contracts can not be negotiated for individual transactions.
▪ The new contract, which Laws negotiated with the board, also provides additional compensation that is separate from the base salary.
▪ Several new contracts are already being negotiated with Rentokil's financial backing and branch network offering further benefits to prospects.
▪ Ivy said the school did not buy out the contract but would negotiate some kind of severance package with Mumme.
▪ Our malt quality was very good which helped when 1993 contracts were being negotiated.
▪ The program results from a contract settlement negotiated last year between the automaker and the United Auto Workers union.
▪ This year also brings with it lower beverage-can-sheet prices under new contracts negotiated recently, analysts say.
▪ The deal was recently negotiated by Sotheby's New York.
▪ As a result, Arnold had a stake in the deals he was negotiating on behalf of the district.
▪ Our serious problems have been caused by the deals that have been negotiated by the Government.
▪ There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
▪ Usually, these deals can be negotiated for a short term.
▪ If Eller wants a deal, let him negotiate over the 121 signs in the legal action.
▪ Other discount deals are being negotiated with shops outside the group, and are thought to include motor companies and dry cleaners.
▪ The client may feel the deal has been negotiated and merely wants the lawyer to tie up the loose ends.
▪ Efforts to negotiate an end to all three conflicts have failed so far.
▪ A spokesman for Mobutu said on state-run television that a seven-member delegation would negotiate an end to the war.
▪ The president had hoped to negotiate an end to the country's long-running, though much weakened, left-wing insurgency.
▪ But sources close to Goodby said the two firms are negotiating an end to the partnership.
▪ Many Basques quietly agree that only a negotiated end to the conflict will bring back peace and prosperity to their region.
▪ As we argue many times in this book, it is the differences that concern government officials in negotiating lasting deals.
▪ He promised attacks by his cartel would cease if the government agreed to negotiate.
▪ Some analysts said the fall of Shaba could compel the government to negotiate with the rebels.
▪ A previous government had negotiated the project.
▪ The Westminster government refused to negotiate with the strikers and proposed to use the army to maintain essential services.
▪ If it wants to borrow, the present Czech government should negotiate repayment terms with existing bondholders first.
▪ But these were not what disturbed him; they could be negotiated issue by issue.
▪ The government has strongly rejected the demands, insisting that Congress is the only legitimate forum for negotiating national issues.
▪ From now on Mr Trimble can negotiate peace only under two, severe constraints.
▪ The outcome might then have been a negotiated peace or, at best, a military stalemate, he contends.
▪ The discredited army came under popular pressure to step aside and allow an elected civilian to negotiate a peace process.
▪ Kornblum helped negotiate the peace agreement signed in Dayton, Ohio, last November, which included a 16-page constitution.
▪ Treaties with foreign powers were to be negotiated by the president, but were then subject to ratification by the Senate.
▪ The sheer destructiveness of the H-bomb could force the rival power blocs to negotiate and seek ways to avoid general war.
▪ Athletic scholarships, then, are strictly payment for sport; but the athlete has no power to negotiate his wage.
▪ In addition her action outside the assessment procedures also gave Mrs Jones the power to negotiate with other participants.
▪ He went across in a variety of disguises, or sent emissaries, and negotiated the price.
▪ If affiliated, they are in a better position to negotiate with insurers on prices of treatment.
▪ We are simply negotiating the price ...!
▪ He blames the impression held by many that they can negotiate better prices at the large new dealerships in Murfreesboro.
▪ Once set in motion this requires only the periodic visit to negotiate such matters as price changes.
▪ We decided to hire him for the day, and negotiated a price.
▪ Staff, however, say they are prepared to negotiate prices.
▪ Insurance companies can get in touch with the site and negotiate a price for their return.
▪ Nothing in this plan would prevent trade unions negotiating higher rates of pay than these target levels.
▪ Otherwise, intermediaries are free to negotiate retail interest rates with their clients.
▪ Cheryl also handles all car phone arrangements for the sales team, negotiating rates with the phone companies.
▪ For example, a borrower may negotiate a floating rate.
▪ Larger firms and companies will be able to negotiate their rates.
▪ Each group is to try to negotiate for the release of a child.
▪ He had no choice other than to negotiate the release of the youngsters.
▪ Tanner disapproved of kidnap insurance and companies like D'Arcy's which negotiated for hostage release.
▪ Alexander and recently negotiated its sale to Aon Corp.
▪ In an effort to regain equilibrium in the enterprise there are attempts to negotiate a settlement.
▪ The Justice Department negotiated a settlement in 1994 of charges that Microsoft enforced anticompetitive software licensing terms computer manufacturers.
▪ We are aiming at a negotiated settlement acceptable to major political forces in our country.
▪ Efforts are now under way to collect these amounts, or to reach a negotiated settlement.
▪ Now all he had to do was to convince the mysterious eight twelves to negotiate a settlement.
▪ As the standoff continued, the lull in the crisis provided the opportunity for a negotiated settlement, which Washington strongly favored.
▪ The defendants' articled clerk handled the wife's affairs and negotiated a financial settlement with the husband's solicitors.
▪ Their grievances were genuine: Knight had negotiated a temporary settlement but now their union called them out.
▪ He negotiated a similar treaty with Tripoli in 1659.
▪ But he was also instructed to negotiate a treaty with Siam.
▪ There, in October, they negotiated a remarkable treaty, ending the ancient hostilities between the Blackfoot and the Nez Perce.
▪ Fast-track authority allows the administration to negotiate a trade treaty without any additions or deletions by Congress.
▪ Albright was to have breakfast Saturday morning with former President George Bush, who helped to negotiate the treaty.
▪ However, it appears that in Essex at least, individual college principals have agreed to negotiate their introduction and avert strikes.
▪ Many Basques quietly agree that only a negotiated end to the conflict will bring back peace and prosperity to their region.
▪ Both demonstrated self-discipline by keeping their answers within the time allowed under debate rules negotiated by the rival campaigns.
▪ Fast-track authority allows the administration to negotiate a trade treaty without any additions or deletions by Congress.
▪ Now that the threat of interdict had been made public Henry began to negotiate more seriously.
▪ Adams began negotiating with Nashville to move the Oilers there after his plans for a new stadium in Houston were rejected.
▪ Some began to negotiate better terms for their own patients which led to accusations of a two-tier service.
▪ To try to alleviate that, the United Kibbutz Movement began negotiating with the major banks to reduce the debt.
▪ With the rock still grasped firmly in his left hand, he began to negotiate the glowing gap.
▪ Union official Steve Taylor began trying to negotiate.
▪ They may help to negotiate with the fuel suppliers on your behalf where disputes arise.
▪ When we travel to foreign countries, we carry guidebooks to help us negotiate terrain that is strange but wonderful.
▪ He or she can also help negotiate agreements between spouses, conduct proceedings in court or advise on conciliation and other services.
▪ Kornblum helped negotiate the peace agreement signed in Dayton, Ohio, last November, which included a 16-page constitution.
▪ His years as Minister at the Treasury should help him in negotiating effective deals.
▪ The sommelier, Wayne Marshall, is charming and will happily help you negotiate the exhaustive wine list.
▪ It helps them negotiate meanings, both linguistic and social.
▪ F, the stability helped investors negotiate more futures contracts.
▪ In large parts of the newspaper industry, for example, proprietors now refuse to negotiate collectively with the National Union of Journalists.
▪ Johnson, Rusk, and the Kennedy aides who had stayed with Johnson consistently refused to negotiate.
▪ When the contract was up, it refused to negotiate.
▪ Husk denies that the state has refused to negotiate with the tribes, citing meetings in December and others scheduled for February.
▪ But the Arab states unanimously refused to negotiate.
▪ And he had not refused to negotiate with me.
▪ Each group is to try to negotiate for the release of a child.
▪ Meanwhile, despite the presence of Alan, Rich Brooks is still trying to negotiate privately with Jody.
▪ Now the Clinton administration is trying to negotiate a more liberal air treaty with Britain.
▪ Then, in a firm, but supportive tone of voice, you can try to negotiate some trades.
▪ We've tried to negotiate with the directors.
▪ Instead, the families often bring in private security firms to try to negotiate a return of the victim.
▪ He felt that this would be a sensible preliminary to trying to negotiate with the aboriginal community.
▪ Sopping wet and breathing shallow she spent those hours trying to negotiate the weight of her eyelids.
▪ Colombia and Venezuela are currently negotiating a trade agreement.
▪ Elderly people were carefully negotiating the hotel steps.
▪ If we corner him, he won't negotiate.
▪ Teachers are under pressure to give up benefits negotiated by unions.
▪ The government says it will not negotiate with terrorists.
▪ UN representatives are trying to negotiate a ceasefire.
▪ After entering the basin she had to negotiate the lock, a narrow channel which connected the basin to the dock proper.
▪ But Bush appears to want his missile defences more than he wants to negotiate away Pyongyang's missiles.
▪ But Fahs now is negotiating with UConn to pay licensing rights to the technology Chen developed.
▪ He also told them about the new incentive plan that he had negotiated with Alpha for achieving the current plan.
▪ It would be possible to negotiate deals to work for a dozen companies' all in one day!
▪ Meanwhile, despite the presence of Alan, Rich Brooks is still trying to negotiate privately with Jody.
▪ The pact, which was negotiated during the Bush presidency, has been stalled since 1993.
▪ Your estate agent will negotiate with potential buyers, keeping you informed of offers and how the sale is progressing.