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  1. v. be successful; achieve a goal; "She succeeded in persuading us all"; "I managed to carry the box upstairs"; "She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it"; "The pianist negociated the difficult runs" [syn: pull off, bring off, carry off, manage] [ant: fail]

  2. sell or discount; "negociate securities"

  3. transfer by endorsement to another in return for value received; "negociate a bond"

  4. succeed in passing through, around, or over; "The hiker negociated the high mountain pass"

  5. confer with another in order to come to terms or reach an agreement; "The parties negociated all night"

  6. discuss the terms of an arrangement; "They negotiated the sale of the house" [syn: negotiate, talk terms]

Usage examples of "negociate".

The commissioners were to be instructed to negociate for a reasonable and moderate contribution toward the common defence of the empire when reunited, but they were not to insist even on this slight contribution as indispensable.

But it is well known that the idea had been uppermost in the minds of the American leaders for full two years, and that Silas Deane had been attempting to negociate for nearly that period, and Benjamin Franklin had been at Paris with the same object in view for near twelve months.

Soon after, a committee of congress, the governor of Pennsylvania, and a part of his council came into the neighbourhood of Princeton to negociate with the revolters.

Fox next adverted to a favourable opportunity for an alliance with Russia, which had been lost, and then condemned a commercial treaty, which government had begun to negociate with France.

It said likewise, that the ruin of their commerce, the diminution of their maritime power, and the unparalleled embarrassments of the French, induced them to exhibit some desire for peace, and gave assurance that any disposition on their part to negociate for a general peace, on just and suitable terms, would be met, on the part of his majesty, with a full desire to give it speedy effect.

Grey moved an address to the king, praying him to communicate to the executive government of France his readiness to meet any disposition to negociate a general peace.

Pitt the state of Europe rendered it difficult for Great Britain to negociate with France for a safe and honourable peace.

Canning censured the foreign diplomacy of the country, instancing the case of one minister being at Paris to negociate peace, while another at Berlin was instigating war for the same object.

This plan after repeated discussions was agreed to, and the funds rose so high in consequence, that the chancellor of the exchequer was able to negociate a loan on advantageous terms to the public.

Ward proposed a resolution in Congress for the appointment of commissioners to negociate an extended and improved treaty with Great Britain.

The situation of the British troops was now evidently desperate, and Major-general Elphinstone deemed it necessary to provide for their safety by again attempting to negociate with the enemy.

Raphael had begun to negociate with the agitator while the petition against Colonel Bruen and Mr.

This fellow is sent from one negociates with me About the stone too, for the holy brethren Of Amsterdam, the exiled saints, that hope To raise their discipline by it.

Again he negociated with Pitt, and again negociations with him fell to the ground.

She not only rented the house, but negociated by means of her landlord, the purchase of the furniture.