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Nectophrynoides is a genus of true toads. They are endemic to Eastern Arc forests and wetlands in Tanzania, and all except N. tornieri are threatened. Species of the genus are ovoviviparous: fertilization is internal, and the females give birth to fully developed, small toadlets. Together with the West Africa Nimbaphrynoides (which was included in Nectophrynoides in the past) and Limnonectes larvaepartus, they are the only frogs/toads in the world that do not lay eggs. The Ethiopian Altiphrynoides (includes Spinophrynoides), which lay eggs, were also part of Nectophrynoides in the past.

Species of Nectophrynoides

Binomial name and authority

Common name

Nectophrynoides asperginis

Kihansi spray toad

Nectophrynoides cryptus

secret tree toad

Nectophrynoides frontierei

frontier forest toad

Nectophrynoides laevis

smooth forest toad

Nectophrynoides laticeps

Nectophrynoides minutus

minute tree toad

Nectophrynoides paulae

Nectophrynoides poyntoni

Poynton's forest toad

Nectophrynoides pseudotornieri

pseudo forest toad

Nectophrynoides tornieri

Tornier's Tree Toad

Nectophrynoides vestergaardi

Vestergaard's forest toad

Nectophrynoides viviparus

Morogoro tree toad

Nectophrynoides wendyae

Uzungwe Scarp tree toad