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The Collaborative International Dictionary

opianine \o"pi*a*nine\, n. (Chem.) An alkaloid ( C22H23NO7) found in small quantity in opium. It is identical with narcotine. It is present in amounts up to 11% in Papaver somniferum, and is used clinically as an antitussive.

Syn: noscapine; narcosine; opian.


n. An alkaloid found in opium; noscapine

Usage examples of "narcotine".

White Poppy capsules, when dried, furnish papaverine and narcotine, with some mucilage, and a little waxy matter.

All the derivatives of opium such as morphine, codeine, heroine, dionine, narceine, and narcotine, to say nothing of bromure d'etyle, bromoform, nitrite d'amyle, and amyline are known to be utilised by the endormeurs to put their victims to sleep, and the skill which they have acquired in the use of these powerful drugs establishes them as one of the most dangerous groups of criminals in existence.