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The Collaborative International Dictionary

musing \musing\ adj. Thinking long and intensely.

Syn: brooding, broody, contemplative, meditative, pensive, pondering, reflective, ruminative.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "complaint," verbal noun from muse (v.). Meaning "pondering" is from mid-15c. Related: Musingly; musings.

  1. Absorbed in thought; contemplative n. thought, meditation, contemplation v

  2. (present participle of muse English)


adj. persistently or morbidly thoughtful [syn: brooding, broody, contemplative, meditative, pensive, pondering, reflective, ruminative]


n. a calm lengthy intent consideration [syn: contemplation, reflection, reflexion, rumination, thoughtfulness]

Usage examples of "musing".

His musings were interrupted by the arrival of the open barouche that had borne Shanna away from the docks.

His musings even now strayed, as if beguiled, to alluring recollections of her sliding naked across his bed in her eagerness to make room for him.

In consequence of their endlessly varied, constantly recurring, intensely earnest speculations and musings over this contrast of finite restlessness and pain with infinite peace and blessedness, a contrast which constitutes the preaching of their priests, saturates their sacred books, fills their thoughts, and broods over all their life, the Orientals are pervaded with a profound horror of individual existence, and with a profound desire for absorption into the Infinite Being.

He went thoughtfully to his own cabin, and, down-headed in his musings, he became aware with a start of Lou Macon in the hut.

Musing thus, he received a cold note ordering him to perform what seemed to be a final scriptorial office, namely to compose a kind of national anthem for Elizabethan England.

He went into the small tea shop and ordered tea of the slavey and when the boy had put it smartly before him and with an impudent gesture had caught and tossed the penny he paid for it, Wang Lung fell to musing.

Hamlet enters, musing, with the soliloquy that is the most famous speech in all of Shakespeare spoken at this point.

And then Standfast tells how as he was coming along musing with himself, Madam Bubble presented herself to him and offered him three things.

But, musing alone, the arrow seen beforehand, and all, Standfast would have been a lost man on that lonely road that day had he not instantly betaken himself to his knees.

And as he entered the modest foyer, which was a pleasant but nevertheless gently jolting contrast to those of the chain-store caravanserais to which he had latterly become accustomed, the Saint had been musing on the stupendous changes that had subvened in the two-and-a-half decades since the missing major had last been heard from.

Was it even now looking down on them from some uncomprehensible alien OI-YMPUS and musing on their problems?

I am not intrigued by my musings, and their temper is becoming too acid for my unpassionate self.

Lenore from her musing and brought her flying to the french doors just in time to see the carriage careen up the drive and come to a skidding halt in front of the house.

They knocked at a door of one of the parlors, and the servant entered: he returned, and John was shown into a room, where Denbigh was sitting with his head resting on his hand, and apparently musing.

So musing, presently the firelight died down, and bulky forms of hide-wrapped woodmen sleeping on the floor slowly disappeared in obscurity like ranges of mountains disappearing in the darkness of night.