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Montra is the short version of the Pahli word "Mahantra" meaning protection, its origin from the Kurdish word "Pala" meaning to take refuge under.

This name dates back to the pre-Zoroastrian times (Medes era, 3700 years ago) in ancient Iran. This word belongs to the Avestan language from the old Indo-Iranian language group, which was used to write the Gathas in Kurdish Gwet, meaning "spoken" or "the spoken words". The term Montra, though rarely, is used as a girls name nowadays and should not be confused with the Indian word mantra, which is a religious or mystical syllable or poem, typically from the Sanskrit language.

Category:Ancient history of Iran

Usage examples of "montra".

Quand le notaire entendit parler de rupture avec le baron, il ne montra aucune surprise.

Notre-Dame de Paris, me montra les figures des rois qui ornent la facade principale.

Il se montra eleve applique, studieux, intelligent, et il entra a Saint-Cyr dans les bons numeros.

Il se montra eleve applique, studieux, intelligent, et il entra a Saint-Cyr dans les bons numeros.