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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Already under way are orders for 72 Tornados, 30 Hawk advanced trainers, three minesweepers and other major defence construction projects.
▪ Being mostly new, they were exceedingly useful to the Navy, serving as minesweepers and coastal patrol vessels.
▪ His ship was turned into a minesweeper in the war, and he went down with her off the east coast.
▪ How long ago the war seemed - the minesweeper wending its slow way over the dusky sea.
▪ I have a query about the fibreglass minesweepers.
▪ Orthodox wooden construction is still being used today for fishing vessels, minesweepers and yachts of up to four or five hundred tons.
▪ Sailors from the hunter class minesweeper are due to visit Hurworth from March 7 to 9 while their ship is docked at Hartlepool.
▪ The Hunter minesweeper is due to dock in Hartlepool on March 6 prior to a five-day programme of activities in Hurworth.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

minesweeper \minesweeper\ n. A boat designed for the purpose of detecting and disposing of marine mines.


n. 1 A vehicle, device or person with the purpose of removing explosive mines (landmines or water mines). 2 (context uncountable English) A logic-based computer game in which the player has to discover the position of mines in a rectangular grid, based on numerical hints.


n. ship equipped to detect and then destroy or neutralize or remove marine mines


A minesweeper is a small naval warship designed to engage in minesweeping. Using various mechanisms intended to counter the threat posed by naval mines, waterways are maintained clear for safe shipping.

Minesweeper (disambiguation)

A minesweeper is a military vessel used to destroy naval mines.

Minesweeper may also refer to:

  • Any person or thing involved in the removal of explosive mines

:* A person who performs demining, usually referring to the removal of land mines

  • Minesweeper (film), a 1943 American film directed by William Berke
  • Minesweeper (video game), a logic game included with Windows and some Linux operating systems
    • Minesweeper (Windows), the Windows version of the game
  • A nickname for Jean-Luc Dehaene, Belgian Prime Minister 1992-1999
Minesweeper (video game)

Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle video game. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden " mines" without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field. The game originates from the 1960s, and has been written for many computing platforms in use today. It has many variations and offshoots.

Minesweeper (film)

Minesweeper is a 1943 American film directed by William A. Berke, a fictional account of a former navy deserter who returns to duty under an assumed name as a sailor aboard a minesweeper, after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The minesweeper used during filming was YMS 121.

Usage examples of "minesweeper".

Looking across the anchorage, through the low day, he could see a clutch of small craft, minesweepers, minelayers and two torpedo boats, with a large motherly vessel alongside.

As always, minesweepers swept the channel ahead of them, but, as always, Vallery left nothing to chance.

They tracked him down finally aboard a wooden-hulled minesweeper in Dry Dock Four that was being prepared for decommissioning and layup.

Brun recognized the odd angular shape of a minesweeper among the more ordinary ovoids of the warships.

His only experience of a trawler's wardroom had been in an over-crowded one used more as an office by the Instructor Officers on the instructing minesweepers as they lived ashore, sailing only on day-to-day trips.

Reality was the rolling minesweeper, and the sea, and shabby khakis, and binoculars, and the captain's buzzer.

The OOD and the new exec, a lieutenant junior grade who had previously commanded a yard minesweeper, stood at a respectful distance from the two commanding officers.

Not till Willie saw the yellow-painted horned iron balls bobbing on the foamy blue waves did he truly realize that the fantastic rig of cables and paravanes was good for anything but races against time between the captains of minesweepers.

The minesweeper was therefore a safety factor added to a safety factor.

Among the first to join the postWorld War II Navy, he saw combat while on a minesweeper during the Korean War, winning the Korean Service Medal with six battle stars.

Tons of unnecessary equipment, including a decompression chamber, were loaded aboard an old World War II British minesweeper used for geological survey by an outfit I suspected of operating as the Shagnasty barn Door and Oil Company.

There were, among others, several Dutch minesweepers, a Norwegian corvette, and a French submarine chaser of so dramatic a design that it was difficult to tell, at a first glance, whether she was sinking or not.

More than 200 ships would take part in the operation, and though most were already in the Inland Sea, many of the carriers, battleships, submarines, minesweepers, transports, and supply vessels had to be summoned from missions at sea.