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military commission

n. an official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces [syn: commission]

Military commission

Military commission may refer to:

  • A commissioned officer's official document of appointment
  • A type of court in military justice or martial law
    • Military commissions in the United States
      • Guantanamo military commissions for prosecuting detainees held in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camps.
  • Central Military Commission, in communist countries responsible for the ruling party's control of the nation's armed forces

Usage examples of "military commission".

John Couper truly cared about his son-in-law, and somehow, as wild as the new notion sounded to him, it didn't seem quite as absurd as the boy's stubborn, unending efforts to regain his military commission.

Newton, USMC, Provost Marshal of Guam, reported to the Commandant of the Marine Corps that, in accordance with the sentence handed down by the Military Commission, Vice Admiral Abe, Captain Obara, and Lieutenant Commander Naiki, late of the Imperial Japanese Navy, had that day been, by First Lieutenant Charles C.

By a most dangerous proclamation of the pretended Antoninus, every soldier who brought in his officer's head became entitled to his private estate, as well as to his military commission.

In the interest of verisimilitude, I usually carried with me a blank military commission, given me by my friend and ally the Secretary of War.

Instead of setting a military commission to find out if this valorous little soldier could win victories, they set a company of holy hair-splitters and phrase-mongers to work to find out if the soldier was sound in her piety and had no doctrinal leaks.

So Joseph had Rodio tried by a military commission, on charges of rebellion and insurrection.

Your examination and that of the military commission will obviously have to be postponed.

In the People's Republic, all members of the State Central Military Commission also served on the Communist Party's Central Military Commission.

For this he needed a military commission, or a commander who both believed him and had the power to act on it.

The next convoy to France or Barcelona would bear him with it as a prisoner to be tried by a military commission.