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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ That it was against the law would not worry milady in the least.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Milady \Mi*la"dy\, n. [F., fr. English.] Lit., my lady; hence (as used on the Continent), an English noblewoman or gentlewoman.


n. (context now chiefly historical or jocular English) An English noblewoman or gentlewoman; the form of address to such a person; a lady. (from 18th c.)


Milady (from my lady) is a French manner of address to a noble woman, the feminine form of milord.

Milady may also refer to:

  • Milady de Winter, fictional character in Alexandre Dumas, père's d'Artagnan Romances novels
  • Milady, fictional character in the Italian comic series Milady 3000
  • The Milady Handicap, an American thoroughbred race horse race
  • Milady Tack-Fang (born 1949), Cuban fencer

Usage examples of "milady".

While MiLady was doing this, Bitsy the fairy was holding onto the candlestick and watching over the rim of the casket.

Her latest run had been that day, while Cec had screamed and weltered with his cruel hands in her mouth, and Milady had lain silent, white-faced and stoical, waiting for the plugging in of her new teeth.

He found it damnably hard to blend that delightful creature with Milady Elf of the sharp wit and even sharper tongue.

Pardon me, milady, but Lord Rathburn would have my ballocks if he knew.

She very rarely fantasised, these days, about Wimbarton falling for her for her looks and making her the new Milady, nor did she want it, under any circumstance.

Part of it was love, for I was beglamoured by Milady and barely had sense enough to understand that my state was as hopeless as it could possibly be, and that my passion was in every way absurd.

Simons Island, milady, without finding out that a frizzled chicken in the yard will invariably dig up any kind of conjure laid down on any person?

Even that might have passed as your job, if you hadn't had such a nasty personality -- always smiling like a pantomime demon -- always stinking of some sort of cheap hair oil -- always running like a rabbit to open doors for Milady -- and vain as a peacock about your tuppenny-ha'penny juggling and wire-walking.

Filters still functioning, uric acid level high but not over tolerance--I think it's all right, Milady.

Filters still functioning, uric acid level high but not over tolerance-I think it's all right, Milady.

When we arrived in Montreal some of them met the ship and bore Sir John and Milady away, and there was a great deal of wining and dining before we opened on Monday.