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Miegakure is an upcoming indie video game platformer in which the gamer explores four-dimensional space in order to solve various higher-dimensional puzzles within a garden setting. Inspired by the classic science-fiction novella Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbot Abbot, Miegakure plays much like a regular three-dimensional platformer, but at the press of a button one of the dimensions is exchanged with its four-dimensional counterpart, allowing for four-dimensional movement as the player explores this new dimension in the same way that a two-dimensional being would explore the third, experiencing the various consequences of being able to move within a four-dimensional space by allowing players to experience it first-hand, using trial and error.

Miegakure was popularized in March 2010 by an xkcd webcomic, which compared the game to Edwin Abbot Abbot's book Flatland, a strong inspiration for the game.