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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But, with the metronome quality of these rulings, one or the other is always out of favor.
▪ He repeated it thousands of times, like a haywire metronome that had lost its beat.
▪ I trained it, with metronomes.
▪ Talmi is so surprised by the tempo that he taps a finger on his wristwatch to gauge the metronome marking.
▪ The rhythm of the camp is constant, a ticking metronome.
▪ They move their heads to follow the swinging balances, which rock like metronomes on H-1 and H-2.
▪ They went back to their dressing-room in a hurry as soon as the act was over, and Arthur started a metronome.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Metronome \Met"ro*nome\, n. [Gr. ? measure + ? distribute, assign: cf. F. m['e]tronome, It. metronomo.] An instrument consisting of a short pendulum with a sliding weight. It is set in motion by clockwork, and serves to measure time in music.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mechanical musical time-keeper, 1815, coined in English from comb. form of Greek metron "measure" (see meter (n.2)) + -nomos "regulating," verbal adjective of nemein "to regulate" (see numismatic). The device invented 1815 by Johann Maelzel (1772-1838), German civil engineer and showman. Related: Metronomic.


n. (context music English) a device, containing an inverted pendulum, used to mark time by means of regular ticks at adjustable intervals; an electronic equivalent that emits flashes


n. clicking pendulum indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music


A metronome is any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats, clicks) — settable in beats per minute. These ticks represent a fixed, regular aural pulse; some metronomes also include synchronized visual motion (e.g. pendulum-swing). The metronome dates from the early 9th century, Abbas ibn Firnas (810-887 AD), was patented by Johann Maelzel in 1815 as a tool for musicians, under the title "Instrument/Machine for the Improvement of all Musical Performance, called Metronome".

The metronome is used by musicians to help keep a steady tempo as they play, or to work on issues of irregular timing, or to help internalize a clear sense of timing and tempo. The metronome is also often used by composers as a standard tempo reference, to indicate the intended tempo for the piece.

Human beings seldom play music at an exact tempo with all the beats exactly the same. This makes it impossible to align metronome clicks with the beats of a musically expressive performance. This also has led many musicians to criticize use of a metronome. "Metronome Time" has been shown to differ from "Musical Time". Some go as far as to suggest that metronomes shouldn't be used by musicians at all. The same criticism has been applied to metronome markings as well. See Criticism of metronome use.

Those in favour of metronome use understand this as a criticism of metronome technique as commonly practiced by musicians, rather than criticism of the tool as such. Their response has been to develop better methods of metronome technique to address the various issues raised by the critics. See Metronome Technique. These techniques however aren't widely known by musicians generally, including many of the critics of metronome use. What Frederick Franz wrote in the introduction to his book is still true today (the original version was published in 1947). Metronome technique has developed considerably since his day, but the amount published is still small. As in his day, it is understandable that critics should be under the impression that metronome technique simply consists of playing your music along with the metronome.

Metronome (band)

Metronome (メトロノーム) was a Japanese visual kei rock band, which took its influence from many genres, including techno, rock, hardcore and pop.

Metronome (public artwork)

The artwork was created by Kristin Jones and Andrew Ginzel and consists of several sections, including a round circular void from which puffs of white steam are released throughout the day, and a clock made of large orange LED digits. Installation of Metronome began in February 1999, and its dedication took place on October 26, 1999.


Metronome (disambiguation)

A metronome is any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats, clicks) — settable in beats per minute.

It may also refer to:

  • The City of Metronome, an upcoming video game
  • Metronome (artists' and writers' organ), a curatorial and research-led platform founded in 1996 by Clémentine Deliss
  • Metronome (band), a Japanese gamewave band
  • Metronome (magazine), a music-guide magazine published between 1881 and 1961
  • Metronome (public artwork), a public-art installation across from Union Square in New York City
  • "Metronome", a song by Jolin Tsai from the 2007 album Agent J
  • Metronome All-Stars, a collection of jazz musicians assembled for studio recordings by Metronome magazine
  • Metronome Records, a Swedish record label
  • Metronome Spartacus, a Swedish television-production company
  • Prague Metronome, an sculpture of a giant functional mechanical metronome in Prague
Metronome (artists' and writers' organ)

Metronome is an artists' and writers' organ founded in 1996 by Clémentine Deliss.

It acts as alternative art publishing, because it has not a fixed editorial team and a fixed location. Its activity started with the publication of a sort of a magazine and in 2005 Deliss decided to build also an experimental publishing house called Metronome Press.

Metronome is a non-profit organisation, it is first of all an organ and a research methodology where artists, writers and curators collaborate to produce printed projects. Its first attempt is to work with fiction, mixing art and literature. For this reason professionals of aesthetic practice, such as the artist, the critic or the writer, overlap and change their role.

Fiction is a central component to all editions of Metronome, and in particular the latest productions with Metronome Press.

Usage examples of "metronome".

Above the Boys, a giant metronome, outlined in coloured lights, swung its chromium-tipped pendulum in the same measure.

For this and for the way he smiled and conducted his band he was paid three hundred pounds a week by the management of the Metronome, and out of that he paid his Boys.

If she goes to the Metronome with anyone else he looks daggers over his piano-accordion and comes across and sneers at them during the solo number.

Above them the arm of the giant metronome pointed motionless at the floor.

The great motionless arm of the metronome stabbed its pointer down at his head.

The metronome, which had been motionless until now, suddenly swung its long arm.

He was directly under the point of the metronome, which was motionless.

It was then that the metronome went into action in a blaze of winking lights.

In the old days when places like the Metronome and Quags and the Hungaria kept going up to two in the morning the Boys had worked through, sometimes going on to parties in private houses.

She had given him the slip when she returned to the Metronome and now wondered, for the first time, how dim a view the police would take of this manoeuvre.

They had kept to their own quarters until, a few minutes before the departure for the Metronome, Spence and William had gone into the hall, assisted the gentlemen into their overcoats, given them their hats and gloves and seen them into their cars.

How about him just taking the stuff in his pocket to the Metronome and fixing everything there?

Last night, after we got back from the Metronome, I could tell there was something.

Alleyn and Fox entered the Metronome at twelve-thirty on this Sunday morning, it smelt of Saturday night.

They popped in and out down the length of the metronome and about its frame, in and out, red green, blue, green red.