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n. (plural of metabolite English)

Usage examples of "metabolites".

However, since 1954, when this suggestion was first made, all attempts to locate adrenochrome or other abnormal metabolites of adrenalin in mental patients have failed.

Gabriel Nahas' 1970s studies, tried to somehow connect the THC metabolites routinely found in the fatty tissue of human brains, reproductive organs, and other fatty areas of the body to the dead brain cells in the suffocated monkeys.

The leftover THC metabolites then attach themselves, in a very normal way, to fatty deposits, for the body to dispose of later, which is a safe and perfectly natural process.

Most are not dangerous and THC metabolites show less toxic* potential than virtually any known metabolic leftovers in your body!

These inert metabolites are what urinary analysis studies show when taken to discharge military or factory or athletic personnel for using, or being in the presence of cannabis within the last 30 days.

In addition there is the possibility of the existence of abnormal metabolites of such substances, metabolites that would themselves interfere with brain function.

Could it be that abnormal metabolites of adrenalin produced by people who happen to be born with a deficient supply of some enzyme or other eventually produce schizophrenia?

Furthermore, no abnormal metabolites of serotonin have been detected in schizophrenics.

Unless you’re specif­ically looking for these, metabolites, you aren’t going to find them.

In a normal rejuvenation, on the left, the metabolites of the rejuv drugs are each involved in scavenging specific degradation products.

Neurons were modeled in the greatest detail, and whatever receptors to caffeine and its metabolites had been present on each individual neuron in his original's brain at the time of the scan, his own model-of-a-brain incorporated every one of them—in a simplified, but functionally equivalent, form.

Neurons were modeled in the greatest detail, and whatever receptors to caffeine and its metabolites had been present on each individual neuron in his original's brain at the time of the scan, his own model-of-a-brain incorporated every one of them-in a simplified, but functionally equivalent, form.