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Melusine (French: ) (or melusina) is a figure of European folklore, a feminine spirit of fresh water in a sacred spring or river. She is usually depicted as a woman who is a serpent or fish from the waist down (much like a mermaid). She is also sometimes illustrated with wings, two tails, or both. Her legends are especially connected with the northern and western areas of France, as well as the Low Countries. She is also connected with Cyprus, where the French Lusignan royal house that ruled the island from 1192 to 1489 claimed to be descended from Melusine.

Mélusine (comics)

Mélusine is a Belgian comic strip created by artist Clarke and writer Gilson and features short, humorous stories that centre on the life of a young witch who lives as an au pair in a castle and studies at a witches’ school. The strip first appeared in Spirou magazine in 1992. Since 1995, her adventures have been published in book form by Dupuis — the 23rd album came out in 2015. Five albums have been published in English by Cinebook.

Melusine (disambiguation)

Melusine or Melusina is a figure of European legends and folklore. The terms may also refer to:

Mélusine (novel)

Mélusine (2005) is a fantasy novel by Sarah Monette. It is the first book of the Doctrine of Labyrinths series, which includes The Virtu, The Mirador, and Corambis. It was well received upon its release; Publishers Weekly gave it a starred review and called it "extraordinary."

Melusine (company)

Melusine Productions, a division of Studio 352, is an animation company based in Howald, Luxembourg. The studio has produced series such as The Bellflower Bunnies, The Mysteries of Providence and Liberty's Kids.

Usage examples of "melusine".

However, within a few minutes of his waking, some of the little fish that had done acrobatics around Melusine, showed up.

They might listen to Melusine, but they certainly did not listen to him.

There was a great deal of difference between being sexually attracted to someone like Melusine and the deep emotional response-the love-he had for Angie.

Secretly, as they went along, he extended an arm on the side away from Melusine, who was chattering away in any case, and not noticing.

Since he was not with Melusine, he no longer skimmed along above the surface of the lake bottom, but had to tramp it as if it were ordinary dry ground.

He therefore angled toward the nearest lakeside, which was the one from which Melusine had originally pulled him down, and found there enough rocky surface-even if sharply angled upward, into the nearly vertical cliffs that walled in the lake at this point-so that he could continue toward the far end of the lake, where it would be possible to get out of it entirely.

By the time the water was getting quite light around him and he felt the surface could be only about fifteen or twenty feet away, he was completely surrounded, not by little fish, but by pike the size of that four-and-a-half-foot specimen that had greeted Melusine when she had brought Jim here earlier.

Actually be knew very well that he had lost at least two nights, one with Melusine and one with Sorpil and Maigra.

It was of Melusine throwing herself into his arms, exclaiming about how lonely she was-and passing out.

Another problem that you may not be aware of, is that Melusine is here, close by.

For example, do you know how Melusine drowns dragons who wander at all close to her lake?

No one else there could hear if he actually answered, but Melusine had evidently heard him.

With Melusine following, they went off into the shade of the tree, while the rest of the men-at-arms there made room for them.

For example, one of the things that takes years for a young magician usually to unlearn, is the sense of unquestioning awe where the effects of magic and other things are concerned-such as the ability of elementals like Melusine, or the powers of the King and Queen of the Dead within their Kingdom.

It wondered me at the time, and since, that when Melusine was pouncing upon people on whom to visit her fancy after being deprived of Jim and King Jean.