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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Medley \Med"ley\, n.; pl. Medleys. [OE. medlee, OF. mesl['e]e, medl['e]e, mell['e]e, F. m[^e]l['e]e. See Meddle, and cf. Mel['E]e, Mellay.]

  1. A mixture; a mingled and confused mass of ingredients, usually inharmonious; a jumble; a hodgepodge; -- often used contemptuously.

    This medley of philosophy and war.

    Love is a medley of endearments, jars, Suspicions, reconcilements, wars.
    --W. Walsh.

  2. The confusion of a hand to hand battle; a brisk, hand to hand engagement; a m[^e]l['e]e. [Obs.]

  3. (Mus.) A composition of passages detached from several different compositions; a potpourri.

    Note: Medley is usually applied to vocal, potpourri to instrumental, compositions.

  4. A cloth of mixed colors.


n. (plural of medley English)

Usage examples of "medleys".

It is precisely these out-of-the-way and Pindaric medleys that are evidences of enthusiasm.

I removed the four top Royal Medleys from the stack and put them on the floor under the table, out of sight, and picked up the other one.

Since then he had sung medleys of advertising jingles, or theme songs from movies, or the clean and dirty folk songs he and Mirabelle had sung on the boat: songs three million years out of date.