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a. (en-superlativemeaty)

  1. adj. like or containing meat; "enough of vegetarianism; let's have a meaty meal" [ant: meatless]

  2. having substance and prompting thought; "a meaty discussion" [syn: substantive]

  3. [also: meatiest, meatier]


See meaty

Usage examples of "meatiest".

As they were introduced, Pitt's hand was crushed by five of the largest and meatiest fingers he'd ever seen.

The fastest crabs were the meatiest, the tastiest, and the most satisfying to the tongue.

Revenge was definitely the movie she'd been looking for - certainly the meatiest role she'd ever had.

Dai startled Tommy by raising her left hand to her mouth and savagely biting the meatiest part of her palm, below her thumb, drawing blood.