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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At mealtimes, the campers gather in a large dining hall.
▪ Aim to make mealtimes and refreshment breaks social occasions.
▪ At every mealtime there was food on the table.
▪ Emotional nurturing may occur at family mealtime, snacks after school, or with notes tucked into lunchboxes.
▪ Encourage anyone who wishes to help at mealtimes.
▪ For some families, conversations center around mealtimes.
▪ Once we were harangued to eat protein, and heaven help the poor water buffalo who ambled past me at mealtime.
▪ The greatest risk of conflict is at mealtimes.
▪ Try to keep mealtimes positive and relaxed and don't waste time and energy forcing your child to eat.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mealtime \Meal"time`\ (m[=e]l"t[imac]m`), n. The usual time of eating a meal.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also meal-time, late 12c., from meal (n.1) + time (n.). Etymologically, a tautology.


n. The usual time at which a meal is eaten.


n. the hour at which a meal is habitually or customarily eaten

Usage examples of "mealtime".

Cassandra left her chambers shortly after mealtime, once Freen the cook had vacated the kitchen and Megal and Ruthanna had stopped working for the night.

Bob mumbled to the dog, who enjoyed lying under the dining room table and farting all through mealtimes.

Day after day, Huygens endured his jovial conversation at mealtimes, seething with bitter resentment.

Yet those women, who must have sat near me at mealtimes, passed by me in corridors, maybe even smiled at me in that very toilet, crushed me to within an inch of my life.

At mealtime I could not even look at food, but since the bunkrooms were so cold, I came over to the dining room anyway, went through the food line, and gave my food to some boys.

Archduke could have allowed his concubines to remain in the suite with him while he broke fast, but, choosing not to draw attention to their status, sent them instead to observe normal mealtimes in the correct fashion.

There were days when they did not exchange a word, not even at mealtimes, but communicated with each other through the children.

They came up on deck at the appointed mealtimes and stood in separate lines.

The light announced mealtime, such as it was: a bucket of water and a tray of a bland, chewy substance that must not, she supposed, be scorned, since it had kept her alive.

Without designated bathtimes he didn't wash and without fixed mealtimes he went hungry.

Urquhart drew the cork and then handed the bottle intact to Philip Boyes, saying that he himself would not take any — he had been advised not to drink at mealtimes.

Without designated bath times he didn't wash and without fixed mealtimes he went hungry.

Now it was packed out every mealtime and had just been named the Good Food Guide's restaurant of the year for Dorset, but they still did burgers and they still did chips with everything, and I thought that was just wonderful.

But as the days passed and the air grew thinner, they came to depend upon the rhythm of the doekis' digestive tracts and made such stopping places mealtimes for themselves.

The glow of its flame spread over the room softly and touched on the men's faces, proving them to be the same two who had huddled across the room from them at mealtime.