MaxCDN is a content delivery network (CDN) provider, based in Los Angeles, California. The company emphasizes reducing latency of rich-content delivery. MaxCDN maintains regional edge servers where customer files are replicated in multiple locations around the world. Dynamic routing logic instructs the end-user's browser to display a copy of the MaxCDN customer's rich-content files, from the location in nearest proximity to the end-user.
MaxCDN hosts Nginx servers in Europe, North America and Asia; MaxCDN utilizes Anycast stateless routing for one-to-nearest content delivery over multiple 10 Gbit/s connections.
MaxCDN is geared toward consumer and home office users, the result of the re-branding of HDDN and CloudCache product lines in December 2013. In contrast, MaxCDN Enterprises (formerly NetDNA) is targeted towards enterprise customers.