Crossword clues for martel
The Collaborative International Dictionary
martel \mar"tel\, v. i. [F. marteler, fr. martel, marteau,
hammer, a dim. fr. L. martulus, marculus, dim. of marcus
hammer. Cf. March to step.]
To make a blow with, or as with, a hammer. [Obs.]
n. A hammer, especially a war hammer. vb. (context obsolete English) To make a blow with, or as with, a hammer.
MarTEL (Maritime Tests of English Language) is a standardised test of maritime English language proficiency, through an interactive online learning platform. It was created under the European Union's Leonardo da Vinci (European Union programme) funding stream, in combination with the Lifelong Learning Programme, and was established in 2007.
MarTEL has three grades, with the key aim to develop a series of Maritime English language standards incorporating the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) at different standards:
The Martel is an Anglo- French anti-radiation missile (ARM). The name Martel is a contraction of Missile, Anti-Radiation, Television, referring to the guidance options. There are two variants, the passive radar guided (AS 37) and the video guided (AJ 168).
The aircraft that used these missiles were the Blackburn Buccaneer (up to three TV or four ARM variant), the SEPECAT Jaguar (two) and the Mirage III/ F1 (one or two). The Martel was suited to anti-ship attack with its long range and heavy warhead. There was not, at the time, a small radar homing missile like the AGM-84 Harpoon with an active radar, so the only viable solution was a TV or ARM sensor. With a relatively long range, a heavy payload, and a subsonic speed, this missile compares more to an anti-ship weapon like the Exocet or the AS.34 Kormoran than an anti-radar missile. It weighs three times as much as the AGM-45 Shrike, with half the speed but much greater range and explosive power.
It was possible to adapt the Martel ARM to be used against different wavelength radars. It was an improvement compared to the early Standard ARM missiles, that had only one narrow-band homing sensor. But the ARM sensor was only selectable on the ground, not in flight and so before taking-off it was necessary to know what kind of radar should be attacked.
The UK has used both types, the French only the radar-equipped variant. The Martel fuselage forms the basis for the Sea Eagle anti-ship missile with a turbojet to improve range, while the French used it to develop ARMAT, an advanced ARM missile in the 1980s. For ARM functions, the RAF adopted a totally new and much smaller missile, the ALARM.
Usage examples of "martel".
John Martels instead, but to do so would require several pages of expressions in the metalanguage in-vented by Dr.
Martel knows the collapsed one could not have been a good newsie, not after spouting such garbage.
Fallen One toppled the Regency, Martel was an apprentice newsie who had just fled the Grand Duke.
It might be enough to bring him out into the open, and Sparhawk had been waiting for years for a chance to catch Martel out in the open.
Slowly, the sun set, and the shapes in the hail squatted down into a darkness against which Martels was not even allowed to close his unowned eyes.
The union of Castile and Aragon, and the subsequent wars against the Moriscoes, which virtually put the knife in their heart and concluded that triumph which had been begun by Charles Martel at Tours, is an attractive portion of history.
From the requisite undertime distance, he tracks the departure of one young and stunned Martin Martel, and thence hastens back to the bunker of the Brethren, emerging in a silent corridor, wrapped in darkness, cloaked in his energies, and invisible to all but the most talented of espers.
Martel wills himself back against the current until the feel of the reality outside the undertime river matches his images.
After a handful of yearlong seconds, he had made his way to his feet, had turned the suit, had found Martel.
Martel was there and he was trying to persuade the old lunatic to postpone his uprising until the time of the election of the new Archprelate.
Yet therewith sore enrag'd, with sterne regardHer dreadfull weapon she to him addrest,Which on his helmet martelled so hard,That made him low incline his lofty crest,And bowd his battred visour to his brest:Wherewith he was so stund, that he n'ote ryde,But reeled to and fro from East to West:Which when his cruell enimy espyde,She lightly vnto him adioyned side to syde.
Martel, you essentially work for Breur Chemicals and in that capacity, you’d better think twice about suing anyone.
Martel persuaded independent shops to join the Wholesale Cleaners and Dyers union, and those who declined suffered the consequences that a visit by the Purples could bring.
At a meeting of the Laundry Drivers Onion Frank Martel and a Chicago labor organizer explained what happened in Chicago with cleaners who got out of line, describing plant bombings, beatings, the theft of full laundry trucks, and worse for recalcitrant union members.
As a reward, the Wholesale Cleaners and Dyers Association gave Martel seven hundred dollars.