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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Manu \Ma"nu\, n. [Skr.] (Hind. Myth.) One of a series of progenitors of human beings, and authors of human wisdom.


Manu may refer to:

Manu (Hinduism)

Manu is a term found with various meanings in different mythologies of Hinduism. In early texts, it refers to the archetypal man, or to the first man ( progenitor of humanity). In later texts, Manu is the title or name of mystical sage-rulers of earth, or alternatively as the head of mythical dynasties that begin with each cyclic kalpa (aeon) when the universe is born anew. The title of the text Manusmriti uses this term as a prefix, but refers to the first Manu – Svayambhuva, the spiritual son of Brahma.

In some Puranic mythology, each kalpa consists of fourteen Manvantaras, and each Manvantara is headed by a different Manu. The current universe, in this mythology, is asserted to be ruled by the 7th Manu named Vaivasvata.

In Vishnu Purana, Vaivasvata, also known as Sraddhadeva or Satyavrata, was the king of Dravida before the great flood. He was warned of the flood by the Matsya (fish) avatar of Vishnu, and built a boat that carried the Vedas, Manu's family and the seven sages to safety, helped by Matsya. The myth is repeated with variations in other texts, including the Mahabharata and a few other Puranas. It is similar to other flood myths such as that of Gilgamesh and Noah.

Manú (footballer)

Emanuel Jesus Bonfim Evaristo (born 28 August 1982), known as Manú, is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays mainly as a right winger.

Manu (TV series)

Manu was a French animated TV series, based on comic books by cartoonist Frank Margerin. It premiered in 1991 and was about a teenager 'Manu' and situations in his own life, with the rest of his family and his friend Robert. It used to air in the UK (Dubbed into English) on the now defunct Children's Channel.

It was produced by the French animation studio "Jingle", and the French and defunct network La Cinq.

Manu (bird)

Manu antiquus is a species of extinct bird of uncertain affinities from the Oligocene of New Zealand. It was described by Brian Marples in 1946 from fossil material (part of a furcula) found near Duntroon, north Otago, in the South Island. Marples suggested that it might be an early albatross; subsequent researchers have speculated that it could be a pelagornithid; however, its affinities remain uncertain. The genus name Manu is Māori for “bird”; the specific epithet antiquus is Latin for “old” or “ancient”.

Manu (Theosophy)

In the teachings of Theosophy, the Manu is one of the most important beings at the highest levels of Initiation of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, along with Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, the Maha Chohan, and Djwal Khul. According to Theosophy, each root race has its own Manu which physically incarnates in an advanced body of an individual of the old root race and physically progenerates with a suitable female partner the first individuals of the new root race. The Theosophical concept of the Manu is derived from the concept in Hinduism that the Manu was the being who was the progenitor of the human race.

When the Manu is spoken of in Theosophy, normally the "being" referred to, is the Vaivasvatu Manu.

Usage examples of "manu".

Progressus in Nitiobriges et Gabalos ab utrisque obsides accipit et magna coacta manu in provinciam Narbonem versus eruptionem facere contendit.

Neminem vero tantum pollere, ut invitis principibus, resistente senatu, omnibus bonis repugnantibus infirma manu plebis bellum concitare et gerere posset.

Ille enim revocatus resistere ac se manu defendere suorumque fidem implorare coepit, saepe clamitans liberum se liberaeque esse civitatis.

Sabino Cottaeque praesto fuissent frumentumque in hiberna comportavissent, Indutiomari Treveri nuntiis impulsi suos concitaverunt subitoque oppressis lignatoribus magna manu ad castra oppugnatum venerunt.

His circumventis magna manu Eburones, Nervii, Aduatuci atque horum omnium socii et clientes legionem oppugnare incipiunt.

Quod cum cotidie fieret ac iam consuetudine diligentia minueretur, quod plerumque accidit diu turnitate, Bellovaci delecta manu peditum cognitis stationibus cotidianis equitum nostrorum silvestribus locis insidias disponunt eodemque equites postero die mittunt, qui primum elicerent nostros, deinde circumventos aggrederentur.

Nam praesidio e regione castrorum relicto et parva manu Metiosedum versus missa, quae tantum progrediatur, quantum naves processissent, reliquas copias contra Labienum duxerunt.

Dodd forced his horse through the aides until he reached Prince Manu Bappoo.

Besides, though Prince Manu Bappoo had never fought the British, neither had the British ever faced the Lions of Allah in battle.

But first he had to reach the fortress, and maybe it would not even be necessary, for Prince Manu Bappoo might yet beat the redcoats here.

It was the Mahratta paradise, and the Lions of Allah were opening its gates so that this night Manu Bappoo, Prince, warrior and dreamer, could ride into legend.

Dodd watched Manu Bappoo and his aides galloping back from the British advance.

Prince Manu Bappoo was not surprised that his brother had chosen not to come to Gawilghur, but had instead fled farther into the hills.

Prince Manu Bappoo had seen Dodd on the rampart and had climbed to join him.

Neither Manu Bappoo nor the British could ever cross the ravine, not if Dodd opposed them.