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Manchurian may refer to:

  • Manchuria, a region in Northeast Asia
    • Manchurian people, a Tungusic people who originated in Manchuria (today's Northeastern China)
    • Manchurian language, a Tungusic language spoken in Northeast China
  • Manchurian, a style of dishes such as chicken Manchurian, vegetable Manchurian, etc. in Indian Chinese cuisine
  • Manchurian, a blue aleurone malting barley variety

Usage examples of "manchurian".

On the streets of Antung, of Feng-Wang-Chang, or of any other Manchurian city, the following is a familiar scene: One is hurrying home through the dark of the unlighted streets when he comes upon a paper lantern resting on the ground.

Similarly, in The Manchurian Candidate, one of scores of Hollywood movies popularizing lies about McCarthy, the McCarthy figure chooses fifty-seven as the number of Communists in the government after seeing it on a bottle of Heinz ketchup.

Four—in The Manchurian Candidate, the brainwashed soldier is capable of committing murder on the direction of his controller, then forgetting every detail of what he’s done, but, get this, he’ll also follow instructions to kill himself if necessary.

And muffinsthe Manchurian Panda-Date makes very good kung pao beef but that was an awfully long time ago .

He sat at the narrow table, enjoying one of Gury's cigarettes and thinking of wild hemp, thousands of square hectares of luxuriant, wild Manchurian hemp heavy with narcotic pollen, flowers and leaves growing like free rubles across the rugged Asian landscape.