The Collaborative International Dictionary
Malpighian \Mal*pi"ghi*an\, a. (Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Marcello Malpighi, an Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
Malpighian capsules or Malpighian corpuscles (Anatomy), the globular dilatations, containing the glomeruli or Malpighian tufts, at the extremities of the urinary tubules of the kidney.
Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen, masses of adenoid tissue connected with branches of the splenic artery.
Malphigian is an attribute to several anatomical structures:
Malpighian corpuscle (disambiguation), which in turn may refer to:
- Renal corpuscles — the initial filtering component of nephrons in the kidneys
- splenic lymphoid nodules, or White nodules — follicles in the white pulp of the spleen, containing many lymphocytes
- Malpighian layer of the skin, a term with various definitions
- Malpighian tubule system, a type of excretory and osmoregulatory system found in some Uniramia (Insects and Myriapoda), arachnids and tardigrades.
Usage examples of "malpighian".
The inner malpighian layer secreted the outer scaly derma, and also developed bony osteodermic nodules during adolescence.
The first forms the clusters in the Malpighian capsules and receives the blood directly from the smallest arteries.
This is because the separation of waste is done in part by the Malpighian capsules and in part by the uriniferous tubules.
The prevailing view now is that the processes of filtration and secretion are both carried on by the kidneys,--that the capillary clusters in the Malpighian bodies serve as delicate filters for the separation of water and salts, while the secreting cells of the tubules separate substances by the process of secretion.
Trace water and salts from the Malpighian capsules to the bladder, naming parts through which they pass.