n. A rare tumour derived from a previous folliculoma or thecoma after luteinization, acquiring the ability to produce and to accumulate the hormone.
A luteoma is a tumor that occurs in the ovaries during pregnancy. It is associated with an increases of sex hormones, primarily progesterone and testosterone. The size of the tumor can range from 1 to 25 cm in diameter, but is usually 6 to 10 cm in diameter and can grow throughout the duration of the pregnancy. However, luteomas are benign and resolve themselves after delivery. This type of tumor is rare with only about 200 documented cases; many of these cases were detected accidentally, so the actual rate of occurrence may be higher. The most obvious symptom of a luteoma is masculinization of the mother and the possible masculinization of the fetus. This occurs because of the release of testosterone by the luteoma. Testosterone is a sex hormone most abundant in men although small amounts are naturally present in women. Testosterone is responsible for the male characteristics such as deepening of the voice, growth of dark hair, and acne. While not life-threatening, the development of male characteristics associated with luteomas can cause visible changes in the mother and can have drastic effects on the formation of the fetus. Luteomas can cause the fetus to be born with an ambiguous sex necessitating a sex to be chosen for the fetus depending on how the parents want to raise the infant.
Luteomas can be associated with female pseudohermaphroditism.