n. A condition in which an individual has the internal reproductive organs of one sex but the external genitalia of the other.
n. congenital condition in which a person has external genitalia of one sex and internal sex organs of the other sex
Pseudohermaphroditism, or pseudo-hermaphroditism, is the condition in which an organism is born with primary sex characteristics of one sex but develops the secondary sex characteristics that are different from what would be expected on the basis of the gonadal tissue ( ovary or testis).
In some cases, the external sex organs look intermediate between a typical clitoris and penis. In other cases, the external sex organs have an appearance that would be expected to be seen with the "opposite" gonadal tissue. Because of this, pseudohermaphroditism is sometimes not identified until puberty. It is possible for the condition to be undetected until adulthood.
The term male pseudohermaphrodite is used when a testis is present, and the term female pseudohermaphrodite is used when an ovary is present. The term true hermaphrodite is reserved for the very rare cases where both ovarian and testicular tissue are present. (Whether or not that term would be appropriate when ovotestes are found, or only when distinct ovaries and testes are found, is not well defined.)
Associated conditions in males include 5-α-reductase deficiency from a deficiency in the male chromosome ( 46 XY).