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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It lurks about as a familiar presence.
▪ He knew Bishop was lurking around somewhere, but the Adjudicator presented no danger he couldn't anticipate.
▪ Were they truly new or had they been lurking around before?
▪ Other hazards lurk around every corner like people jumping from bridges, swimming in dangerous areas, and incompetent boat handlers.
▪ A lethal charge that lurked around the next junction?
▪ I have a bunch of hoods lurking around some corner wanting ten thousand pounds that I have not got.
▪ I could hardly send Tam and Richie back here unsupervised tomorrow, especially not with Mr McCrindle lurking around.
▪ But then, instead of making a hasty retreat, they lurked around the airfield buildings to wait for the explosions.
▪ Pay off as much of the mortgage as possible, plus any outstanding embarrassments lurking around one's Access account; 4.
▪ However, evidence has shown that there may be a silent long-term killer lurking in almost every room.
▪ All sorts of disaster lurked in otherwise simple-seeming jobs.
▪ They would lurk somewhere within a system of tunnels; no good: explosions anywhere in the tunnel would reach them.
▪ He knew that the golfer who could make such a shot still lurked somewhere within him.
▪ Even recent liberalisation has failed to dispel deep-seated suspicions that discrimination still lurks beneath the surface.
▪ He knew that the golfer who could make such a shot still lurked somewhere within him.
▪ But danger still lurks for the Tories.
▪ That's a shame, for within its dissolving form there still lurks a Lancia flame of surprising intensity.
▪ They understand the dangers that lurk there, the balance between survival and extinction.
▪ He had the distinct feeling that he really did not want to see whatever was lurking there.
▪ I knew that they must be lurking there somewhere.
▪ If any murderer lurked there, they would have to cover the ground and he had brought something special.
▪ This was to rid Glasgow's Arches of rats and mice and any other pests that were lurking there.
▪ He was still there lurking behind her in the corridor, waiting to pounce, hoping to catch her out.
▪ Nevertheless behind the traditional concepts there lurked a marked change.
▪ A faint tinkle of metal told me that Shep was lurking there in his kennel and I slowed my steps.
▪ There are many others like him, lurking in the background when they should be centre stage.
▪ But always lurking in the background are Frankie McCarthy and his gang.
▪ Other hazards lurk around every corner like people jumping from bridges, swimming in dangerous areas, and incompetent boat handlers.
▪ Bottomless shadows lurk in every corner of this artfully arranged, black-and-white nightmare, hinting at horrors left unseen.
▪ But even more of a reprieve was lurking round the corner.
▪ It reminds us that death and destruction are lurking just around the corner.
▪ Thérèse lurked in the corner, kneeling, hands clasped.
▪ I have a bunch of hoods lurking around some corner wanting ten thousand pounds that I have not got.
▪ But everyone can immediately realize what enormous dangers lurk behind the application of such criteria to man.
▪ But danger lurks behind this trend.
▪ She'd feel safer trapped in a cave, with some dark formless danger lurking in the shadows.
▪ She was actually becoming quite blase about the dangers lurking on their travels.
▪ He was monumental in defence, arriving with clattering stealth whenever danger lurked in front of Stefan Klos.
▪ They understand the dangers that lurk there, the balance between survival and extinction.
▪ Many unforeseen dangers may be lurking in the wings.
▪ But danger still lurks for the Tories.
▪ She'd feel safer trapped in a cave, with some dark formless danger lurking in the shadows.
▪ Slaughter and torture declared by judges as the law lurk in the shadows of our history.
▪ And lurking nearby in the shadows are the economic pressures so much discussed nowadays, from job insecurity to declining real wages.
▪ It was not that I expected some one to hurt me or that I thought there were dangerous things lurking in the shadows.
▪ I lurk in shadows and them in me.
▪ Even recent liberalisation has failed to dispel deep-seated suspicions that discrimination still lurks beneath the surface.
▪ The water seemed peaceful and inviting and it was hard to believe there might be something lurking beneath its surface.
▪ What hidden tensions lurk beneath the present surface?
▪ The better career for you is lurking beneath the surface just like that wonderful painting, waiting to be discovered.
▪ It lurks just under the surface close to the shore off the South coast of Mull near the feared Torran Rocks.
▪ Even this may still leave some hidden agendas lurking beneath the surface.
▪ He had the distinct feeling that he really did not want to see whatever was lurking there.
▪ On the nights previous to the murder he had been seen lurking outside party headquarters.
▪ Real racism is bad enough: there's no need to see it lurking everywhere.
▪ She didn't see the figure lurking behind the shrubbery until it had stepped out and was almost on top of her.
▪ Alarmed, she thought she saw a black man lurking just behind her.
(waiting/lurking) in the wings
▪ He stopped by on his night off, was let in the stage door, and stood in the wings.
▪ None the less, there are always people waiting in the wings to discredit a positive image.
▪ On Concorde, though, the engines are embedded in the wings, next to the fuel tanks.
▪ Platt has had to wait in the wings because he is one of four foreign players fighting for the permitted three places.
▪ The local chapter leaders waiting in the wings seemed upset.
▪ There were no wealthy aunts or uncles waiting in the wings.
▪ Racism continues to lurk in the heart of American society.
▪ Arthur said, without explaining what he meant: could Godzilla be lurking in there?
▪ But below the mirror images of arts and architecture lurks the threat of extinction - Venice is in Peril.
▪ Few people realised it, but beneath Simon's confident and charming exterior lurked a mass of insecurities.
▪ It was late afternoon, with the darkness already lurking in the comers, when he went in.
▪ She couldn't see his expression but it didn't take a fool to realise that distaste and contempt must lurk there.
▪ Tied around his neck was a solid black scarf that hinted at a beatnik spirit lurking beneath the formality.
▪ We can not, we will not succumb to the dark impulses that lurk in the far regions of the soul everywhere.
▪ Were they truly new or had they been lurking around before?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lurk \Lurk\ (l[^u]rk), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Lurked (l[^u]rkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Lurking.] [OE. lurken, lorken, prob. a dim. from the source of E. lower to frown. See Lower, and cf. Lurch, a sudden roll, Lurch to lurk.]

  1. To lie hidden; to lie in wait.

    Like wild beasts, lurking in loathsome den.

    Let us . . . lurk privily for the innocent.
    --Prov. i. 11.

  2. To keep out of sight.

    The defendant lurks and wanders about in Berks.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, lurken "to hide, lie hidden," probably from Scandinavian (compare dialectal Norwegian lurka "to sneak away," dialectal Swedish lurka "to be slow in one's work"), perhaps ultimately related to Middle English luren "to frown, lurk" (see lower (v.2)). Related: Lurked; lurking.


n. The act of lurking. vb. To remain concealed in order to ambush.

  1. v. lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner [syn: skulk]

  2. be about; "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square"; "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?" [syn: loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, mill about, mill around]

  3. wait in hiding to attack [syn: ambush, scupper, bushwhack, waylay, ambuscade, lie in wait]


Lurk, lurker, or lurking may refer to:

  • Lurker, a person who often reads discussions on internet networks but seldom contributes to them.
  • Lurk, a single long pole held with both hands, used in telemark skiing
  • Lurking variable, or a confounding variable, in statistics
  • Lorelei, nicknamed "Lurking Rock", a rock on the eastern bank of the Rhine River near St. Goarshausen, Germany
Lurk (TV series)

Lurk is a 2009 Chinese television series based on a spy novel. The series is directed by Jiang Wei.

Usage examples of "lurk".

Those eyes grew and became gigantic, and in them the Cimmerian glimpsed the reality of all the abysmal and blasphemous horrors that lurk in the outer darkness of formless voids and nighted gulfs.

Shamesey camp, Ancel Harper recognized the threat lurking about the edges of the message.

Just, Asey thought, as if she had no business being in the kitchen, and rather suspected a King Cobra to be lurking in a corner, to boot.

She was very well aware that Asterion lurked somewhere, and, after the mistakes of the past life, Swanne was not going to make another ill-considered move until she knew precisely where Asterion was and what power he commanded.

An hour or so later, during one of the brief adjournments, a pock-faced cniht summoned the atheling to his father, who had gone outside for some air and was now lurking in a shadowy corner near the kitchens.

They could see no sign of trouble, but the Birder assured them there were small groups of ill doers lurking just out of sight.

Behind her blemishless, biosculpted features, lurked the hideous truth that beauty was only skin deep--it did not make her better, smarter, or more noble.

Twice during the night he awoke to the feeling of a lurking presence somewhere close byas if someone were prowling around outside.

Go back to where the Dark lurks in the hills round Cader Idris in the realm of the Grey King, where others wait in black hope like yourself.

Was Cailleach changing her voice, deliberately, to fool some lurking fairies or trolls?

Though the peaks and high valleys still wore their smooth mantles of white, spring was lurking in the Carag Huim.

We found a cavelet well hidden behind tumbled stone, and when we had found the place, Chance asked that Didir look around us to see if anyone lurked.

Saturday and Saturday night came and passed, and Alfred Stevens did not appear, a lurking dread that would not be chidden or kept down, continued to rise within her soul, which, without assuming any real form or decisive speech, was yet suggestive of complete overthrow and ruin.

That valley we must cross, it is not too deep, but there are woodlands and meadows where les Criards may lurk, probably a river to cross, and the terrain will be rougher than that of the Fungus Forest.

Working through wicked airs and deadly dews That make the laden robber grin askance At the good places in his black romance, And the poor, loitering harlot rather choose Go pinched and pined to bed Than lurk and shiver and curse her wretched way From arch to arch, scouting some threepenny prey.