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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
masc. proper name; see Lucian.
Lucius (, ; Greek: Λούκιος Loukios, Etruscan: Luvcie) is a male given name derived from Lucius (abbreviated L.), one of the small group of common Latin forenames ( praenomina) found in the culture of ancient Rome. Lucius derives from latin word Lux (gen. lucis), meaning " light" (< PIE *leuk- "brightness", Latin verb lucere "to shine"), and is a cognate of name Lucas. Another etymology proposed is a derivation from Etruscan Lauchum (or Lauchme) meaning " king", which however was transferred into Latin as Lucumo.
Lucius is an English masculine given name and a rare German and Dutch surname. Lucius has been translated into Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, as Lucio. Derived from the related patronymic Lucianus is Luciano' in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese and Lucien in French.
Lucius is a given name and a surname in various languages.
Lucius may refer to:
- Lucius (praenomen), a Latin praenomen in ancient Rome
- Lucius (band)
- Lucius, a performer in the English hip pop quintet KING
Lucius is a Latin praenomen, or personal name, which was one of the most common names throughout Roman history. The feminine form is Lucia ( or ; ). The praenomen was used by both patrician and plebeian families, and gave rise to the patronymic gentes Lucia and Lucilia, as well as the cognomen Lucullus. It was regularly abbreviated L.
Throughout Roman history, Lucius was the most common praenomen, used slightly more than Gaius and somewhat more than Marcus. Although a number of prominent families rarely or never used it, it was amongst the most frequently given names in countless others. The name survived the collapse of the Western Empire in the 5th century, and has continued into modern times.
Flavius Lucius (floruit 408-413) was a politician of the Roman Empire.
In 408 he was comes sacrarum largitionum at the Eastern court. In 413 he was Roman consul together with Heraclianus, but his name is recorded only on Eastern inscriptions.
Lucius is a psychological horror stealth video game developed by Shiver Games and published by Lace Mamba Global for Microsoft Windows. It is centered on the six-year-old boy Lucius, who is the son of Lúcifer. Players take control of Lucius as he murders members of his household, using powers of telekinesis and mind control to orchestrate deadly accidents that lead to the deaths of multiple residents of Dante Manor. Players use their wits and follow hints to ensure they do not leave any evidence that would lead to a mission failing. A sequel, Lucius II: The Prophecy, was announced on August 8, 2014, and was released on February 2015.
Lucius is a five piece indie pop band from Brooklyn, New York. The band consists of Jess Wolfe, Holly Laessig, Dan Molad, Peter Lalish and Andrew Burri.
Usage examples of "lucius".
He had the advantage of owning an excellent network of reporters of transgressions, for he enlisted Lucius Decumius and his crossroads brethren as informers, and cracked down very hard on merchants who weighed light or measured short, on builders who infringed boundaries or used poor materials, on landlords who had cheated the water companies by inserting bigger-bore adjutage pipes from the mains into their properties than the law prescribed.
The constant consideration of all around him, the affectionate cordiality of Sir Lucius, and the unobtrusive devotion of Lady Afy, melted his soul.
Lavici being taken, and subsequently Agrippa Menenius Lanatus, and Lucius Servilius Structus, and Publius Lucretius Tricipitinus, all these a second time, and Spurius Rutilius Crassus being military tribunes with consular authority, and on the following year Aulus Sempronius Atratinus a third time, and Marcus Papirius Mugillanus and Spurius Nautius Rutilus both a second time, affairs abroad were peaceable for two years, but at home there was dissension from the agrarian laws.
If we are to do as Lucius Marcius Philippus wants, and confine the citizenship of Rome to those among us who can claim family, ancestry, and legal writ, then the first man to have to leave both this House and the city of Rome would be Quintus Varius Severus Hybrida Sucronensis!
Later on, when you are less appalling to look at, I shall require that you apologize to Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
Which when I saw I was greatly astonied : and although I was inchanted by no kind of charme, yet I thought that I seemed not to have the likenesse of Lucius, for so was I banished from my sences, amazed in madnesse, and so I dreamed waking, that I felt myne eyes, whether I were asleepe or no.
Dalmaticus Pontifex Maximus, thought this was a splendid way out of the Ahenobarbus dilemma, particularly because old Ahenobarbus had secured an augurship for his younger son, Lucius, not long before he died.
Off to Numidia the Senate sent the praetor Lucius Cassius Longinus, under instructions to bring King Jugurtha in person to Rome, where he was to be made to provide Gaius Memmius with the names of all those he had bribed throughout the years.
And sure enough, they all reported back that it was indeed being bruited about that if Catilina and Lucius Cassius were elected the consuls, they would bring in a general cancellation of debt.
Manlius and Furius have been telling anyone important enough to have a vote which counts in the Centuriate elections that you and your named colleague, Lucius Cassius, intend legislating a general cancellation of debt once you assume office as consuls?
Sir Lucius Grafton rejoin her, and lead her to the cotillon that was forming on the turf.
He was a Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, a Gaius Servilius Ahala, a Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator, a Lucius Aemilius Paullus.
Titus Labienus, Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer and Lucius Julius Caesar arrived at the Domus Publica to find Caesar wide awake and apparently none the worse for lack of sleep.
Lucius Cato the Consul is left with none save raw recruitsfarm boys newly enfranchised, from Umbria and Etruria.
Actors were hired, chariots for them to ride in: the ancestors would include King Ancus Marcius, Quintus Marcius Rex, Iulus , that early Julian consul, Sextus Caesar and Lucius Caesar, and Gaius Marius and his son.