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a. (en-superlative of: loyal)

Usage examples of "loyalest".

Quintus Sertorius to Gaius Marius from his earliest days in military service right through to the end which saw even his loyalest adherents recoil in horror makes me wonder about that name, Rhea.

His friend and ally of many years, Lucius Julius Caesar, consular, Chief Augur, loyalest legate of the Gallic War.

Antioch, one in Damascus, then appointed his loyalest follower, an ex-centurion named Fabius, as temporary governor.

But better he should hear it from his loyalest baron, his own brother, than have the news blurted out to him by some idiot agent avid to cause a maximum of consternation.

Sulla had heard little about their progress at the time he himself started up the Via Cassia toward Clusium, but he had a great deal of faith in this loyalest of adherents-as well as a lively curiosity as to how Pompey the Great would fare.

And here standing with me are the men who have been my loyalest followers through times of hardship and despair-Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius and his legate, Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus-Publius Servilius Vatia-the elder Gnaeus Cornelius Dolabella-Marcus Licinius Crassus .

I am his loyalest follower, tribune, and I say that as a warning I owe to you, considering your relationship to him.

Sertorius hard was made apparent to Metellus Pius and Pompey very soon, for they heard that when Sertorius learned of the reward he immediately dismissed his bodyguard of Roman troops and replaced it with a detachment of his loyalest Oscan Spaniards, then removed himself from the company of his Roman and Italian adherents.

For years Celer and his little brother Nepos were my loyalest adherents.

Was it in his mind to send a few thousand of his loyalest soldiers to Rome on an innocent furlough at the time of the elections?

But, Calvinus, at least you know now why I left so many of my loyalest legates behind in Rome.