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Wikipedia is a 2011 Bulgarian drama film directed by Ilian Djevelekov. The film features top Bulgarian actors Hristo Shopov, Vladimir Penev, Zahari Baharov, Lilia Maraviglia, Koyna Ruseva, Diana Dobreva, Dilyana Popova. It is also the first movie appearance of British rock and roll and blues vocalist John Lawton known for his work with Lucifer's Friend, Uriah Heep and the Les Humphries Singers. is a film about "love at first virtual sight" directed by Ilian Djevelekov. It is produced by the Bulgarian company Miramar Film, and is written by Ilian Djevelekov, Matey Konstantinov, and Nelly Dimitrova. Djevelekov is known for directing one of the most successful recent Bulgarian movies " Zift".

The film won three awards at the 2011 Bulgarian National Film Festival, including Best First Feature Film for Ilian Djevelekov.