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n. (plural of lout English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: lout)


The Louts, is a left tributary of the Adour, in Aquitaine, in the Southwest of France.

Usage examples of "louts".

You want to do the things other girls do, like making yourself cheap, going to discos, letting those louts paw you?

May, and John Fenton, the grocer, and two pit men from the nearby pit, Sam Taylor and Davy Fuller, who were known as louts and would do anything for an extra pint of ale.

Taking the minor issues however the hooligans and vandals had usually been drunks or roistering louts showing off to their girlfriends or comrades.

The only time he had ever let his tongue loose was the day he came to her for a potion for his bruises, for he had been kicked black and blue by some louts from Haydon Bridge way.