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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lousiness \Lous"i*ness\, n. The state or quality of being lousy.


n. State or property of being lousy.


n. infestation with lice (Pediculus humanus) resulting in severe itching [syn: pediculosis]

Usage examples of "lousiness".

And their lives were lousy with lousiness, from terrible people to horrible meals, from terrifying locations to horrifying circumstances, and from dreadful inconveniences to inconvenient dreads, so that it seemed that their lives would always be lousy, lousy with lousy days and lousy with lousy nights, even if all of the lousy things with which their lives were lousy became less lousy, and less lousy with lousiness, over the lousy course of each lousy-with-lousiness moment, and with each new lousy mushroom, the cave lousier and lousier with lousiness, it was almost too much for the Baudelaire orphans to hear.

Spielberg's molestation of the Pinoccho story demands an entire new vocabulary of villification to describe its primal lousiness adequately.

They were naturally given to washing when they were in health and their lousiness arose from the nature of their hair, which was coarse and crinkled and stood straight out for six inches from their heads until the ship's barber clipped them bald, and from the fact that in those parts the comb had not yet been invented.