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n. (obsolete typography of lover English)


Louer is a commune in the Landes department in Aquitaine in south-western France.

Usage examples of "louer".

Her blisse is all in pleasure and delight,Wherewith she makes her louers drunken mad,And then with words & weedes of wondrous might,On them she workes her will to vses bad:My lifest Lord she thus beguiled had.

His dearest Dame is that Enchaunteresse,The vile Acrasia, that with vaine delightes,And idle pleasures in his[her] Bowre of Blisse,Does charme her louers, and the feeble sprightesCan call out of the bodies of fraile wightes:Whom then she does transforme to mõstrous hewes,And horribly misshapes with vgly sightes,Captiu'd eternally in yron mewes,And darksom dens, where Titan his face neuer shewes.

He had a faire companion of his way,A goodly Lady clad in scarlot red,Purfled with gold and pearle of rich assay,And like a Persian mitre on her hedShe wore, with crownes and owches garnished,The which her lauish louers to her gaue.

I lately chaunst (Would I had neuer chaunst)With a faire knight to keepen companee,Sir Terwin hight, that well himselfe aduaunstIn all affaires, and was both bold and free,But not so happie as mote happie bee:He lou'd, as was his lot, a Ladie gent,That him againe lou'd in the least degree:For she was proud, and of too high intent,And ioyd to see her louer languish and lament.

THe rugged forhead that with graue foresightWelds kingdomes causes, & affaires of state,My looser rimes (I wote) doth sharply wite,For praising loue, as I haue done of late,And magnifying louers deare debate.

OF louers sad calamities of old,Full many piteous stories doe remaine,But none more piteous euer was ytold,Then that of Amorets hart-binding chaine,And this of Florimels vnworthie paine:The deare compassion of whose bitter fitMy softened heart so sorely doth constraine,That I with teares full oft doe pittie it,And oftentimes doe wish it neuer had bene writ.