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a. Tending to loud, indiscreet, especially bragging, speech.

Usage examples of "loudmouthed".

GURULD: a loudmouthed, boisterous farmer who dwells in the Tarlagar backcountry nigh the Windfangs foothills, and habitually drinks at the Glory of Aglirta tavern.

But he has never liked Ronnie: loudmouthed, pushy, physically crude, always playing with himself in the locker room, flicking towels, giving redbellies, terrorizing the JVs.

In case my loudmouthed friend decides to cut up rough about the unscheduled stop again.

Ladd Devine Senior hired him on for the same reason he'd hired on Horsethief Shorty Wilson, namely, he liked and trusted hellraisers, blasphemers, whoremongers, and loudmouthed alcoholics, knowing exactly how to keep the edge off by paying them fair and feeding them well to boot.

They thought they had a hardened revolutionary and they sent me to camps with Palestinians, Irish, Khmer Rouge, the scariest men on earth, and it turned out that I was really just a loudmouthed boy from Athens, Georgia, who could spout a lot of Mao and play a little ball and probably would have ended up with a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford if I hadn't come to Cuba instead.