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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I am attempting to wean him but it is I and not the child who is loth to finish the business.
▪ I was also beginning to see why Edward had been loth to speak openly about his work.
▪ It was loth to do this because the bonds were a potential goldmine when the junk-bond market recovered.
▪ Moreover, their sons are loth to follow their fathers into farming.
▪ State companies, accustomed to cosy relations with government, will be loth to offer up their own 10% of flesh.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

loth \loth\ adj. strongly opposed. [WordNet sense 2][predicate]

Syn: antipathetic, antipathetical, averse(predicate), averse to(predicate), indisposed(predicate), loath(predicate), opposed.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

alternative spelling of loath.


a. (context UK rare English) (alternative form of loath English)

  1. adj. unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom; "a reluctant smile"; "loath to admit a mistake"; "unwilling to face facts" [syn: loath, reluctant]

  2. (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed; "antipathetic to new ideas"; "averse to taking risks"; "loath to go on such short notice"; "clearly indisposed to grant their request" [syn: antipathetic, antipathetical, averse(p), indisposed(p), loath(p), loth(p)]


The acronym LOTH can stand for:

  • Language of thought hypothesis
  • Liturgy of the Hours

Usage examples of "loth".

Ecub knew of Asterion from Loth, as well as from the knowledge she had gained during the long death between her last life and this one.

Out of feast-time they are out of town, and during the festival they are loth to leave, or are so full of chicha they do not know what they want.

Then they brake open a great chest with double locks and bolts, wherein was layd all the treasure of Milo, and ransackt the same : which when they had done they packed it up and gave every man a portion to carry : but when they had more than they could beare away, yet were they loth to leave any behind, but came into the stable, and took us two poore asses and my horse, and laded us with greater trusses than wee were able to beare.

Thus as he spoke, he took us by the hand And led us, nothing loth: beneath his roof Soon as we came, he bade his slaves prepare Baths for the strangers, that, the altars nigh, Beside the lustral ewers they might stand.

Thither, accordingly, I went in due course, nothing loth, for on the veld between our station and Maraisfontein many pauw and koran--that is, big and small bustards--were to be found, to say nothing of occasional buck, and I was allowed to carry a gun, which even in those days I could use fairly well.

Beaumaris, perhaps loth to degrade his burgundy, or perhaps with a faint, despairing hope of adding piquancy to this commonplace meal, had instructed Brough to serve champagne.

So say the unthinking and foolish--so will they ever say,--and hence it is, that though the fame of Theos Alwyn widens year by year, and his sweet clarion harp of Song rings loud warning, promise, hope, and consolation above the noisy tumult of the whirling age, people listen to him merely in vague wonderment and awe, doubting his prophet utterance, and loth to put away their sin.

Loth and the hounds of Verm that I will not harm you by direct actions.

Between the upper and lower floors the central mass of apartmentsroughly from the loth floor to the 30thformed a buffer state.

I am loth to write what follows, for it was all my own fault that I was nearly losing my life and my honour.

Indeed the horrors of that period I am loth to dwell upon, save that it gave me an opportunity of experiencing one of those little touches of kindness which go to prove that after all humanity in the abstract is not quite so bad as it is usually made out to be.

Nothing loth I made out into mid-stream to see that strange prince go by, little thinking in a few minutes I should be shaking hands with him, a wet and dripping hero.

No means existed to reunify the Og power now divided between Aerne and his son, Loth.

The latest instance of a witch being executed in Scotland was in 1722, when the supposed offender was burned at Loth, or Dornoch, Sutherlandshire, by order of the sheriff of that county.

It has been specially loth to believe that he is telling the truth when he tells us about his adventures with women.