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Losse may refer to:

  • Losse, Saxony-Anhalt, a municipality in the district of Stendal, Germany
  • Château de Losse, an historical site in the Périgord, Dordogne district of South-West of France
  • Losse, Landes, a commune in Aquitaine, France
  • Losse (Thouet), a principal tributary of the River Thouet
  • Losse (river), runs through Kaufungen in Hesse, Germany
Losse (river)

Losse is a small river of Hesse, Germany. It is a right tributary of the Fulda, which it joins in Kassel. It flows through Kaufungen.

Usage examples of "losse".

Then the witch with her abhominable science, began to conjure and to make her Ceremonies, to turne the heart of the Baker to his wife, but all was in vaine, wherefore considering on the one side that she could not bring her purpose to passe, and on the other side the losse of her gaine, she ran hastily to the Baker, threatning to send an evill spirit to kill him, by meane of her conjurations.

But yet forthwith returning to the inward impression of my sweetest obiect, stil dwelling in the secret of my heart, I fell into blobering teares, for the losse of two so worthie iewels.

I marueled first at this straunge accedent, and was amazed at this inhumane harmonye, but most of all in that I was in a straunge contry, and vninhabited, being onelye fertill and beawtyfull to behould, besydes that I greatly sorrowed for the losse of the fayer ryuer which I had so greatly labored to finde out, and now so lightly and carelesly to haue lost the benefit thereof.

And other said, Since the time that we had him first he never did any good, and I thinke he came unto our house with evill lucke, for we have had great wounds since, and losse of our valiant captaines, and other said, As soone as he hath brought home his burthen, I will surely throw him out upon the mountaine to be a pray for wild beasts : While these gentlemen reasoned together of my death, we fortuned to come home, for the feare that I was in, caused my feet to turne into wings : after that we were discharged of our burthens, they went to their fellowes that were wounded, and told them of our great tardity and slownesse by the way, neither was I brought into small anguish, when I perceived my death prepared before my face : Why standest thou still Lucius?

So that my sorrowing spirites exasperated with an amorous desire and extreame vexation, continually burning in my panting breast, coulde by no meanes bee asswaged, but with supping vp of continuall sobbings, and breathing out of their flying losse.

Townes that her Maiestie willed, and according to her Soueraigne auctoritie in her Dominions, commanded that they shoulde forbeare from thenceforth, from the beginning of the moneth of Ianuarie last past from carying of corne, and generally of all prouision of warre, cables, mastes, and like marchandise into Spaine and Portingall, whereby the enemie of her Kingdome might be the better furnished, vnder the paine of losse both of ships and goods, to be inflicted vpon such, as should violate this her princely commandement.

Hij mocht zich dan graag voordoen als een joviale cowboy, Yarbrough was een ervaren man van negenenvijftig, een gedegen en competente leider achter wiens losse omgangsvormen een uiterst nauwkeurig oog voor detail schuilging.

And after her came an old woman in ragged robes, crying and howling likewise : and they brought with them the Olive boughs wherewith the three slaine bodies were covered on the Beere, and cried out in this manner : O right Judges, we pray by the justice and humanity which is in you, to have mercy upon these slaine persons, and succour our Widowhood and losse of our deare husbands, and especially this poore infant, who is now an Orphan, and deprived of all good fortune : and execute your justice by order and law, upon the bloud of this Theefe, who is the occasion of all our sorrowes.

At length they began to accuse one another of theft, and to set the dishes and morsels of meat in order, one by another, because they would learne what was taken away, whereby one of them was compelled to say thus to his fellow : Is it reason to breake promise and faith in this sort, by stealing away the best meat, and to sell it to augment thy good, and yet neverthelesse to have thy part in the residue that is left : if our partnership doe mislike thee, we will be partners and brothers in other things, but in this we will breake of : for I perceive that the great losse which I sustain, will at length be a cause of great discord betweene us.

For I know one not farre hence that was cruelly handled by them, who being not contented with cutting off his nose, did likewise cut off his eares, whereat all the people laughed heartily, and looked at one that sate at the boords end, who being amased at their gazing, and somewhat angry withall, would have risen from the table, had not Byrrhena spake unto him and sayd, I pray thee friend Bellerophon sit still and according to thy accustomed curtesie declare unto us the losse of thy nose and eares, to the end that my cousin Lucius may be delighted with the pleasantnes of the tale.

Then the witch with her abhominable science, began to conjure and to make her Ceremonies, to turne the heart of the Baker to his wife, but all was in vaine, wherefore considering on the one side that she could not bring her purpose to passe, and on the other side the losse of her gaine, she ran hastily to the Baker, threatning to send an evill spirit to kill him, by meane of her conjurations.

And to counterfeit the matter, he would come to Charites and say : O what a losse have I had of my friend, my fellow, my companion Lepolemus?

Faire Helene, flowre of beautie excellent,And girlond of the mighty Conquerours,That madest many Ladies deare lamentThe heauie losse of their braue Paramours,Which they far off beheld from Troian toures,And saw the fieldes of faire Scamander strowneWith carcases of noble warrioures,Whose fruitlesse liues were vnder furrow sowne,And Xanthus sandy bankes with bloud all ouerflowne.

Thus heaping crime on crime, and griefe on griefe,To losse of loue adioyning losse of frend,I meant to purge both with a third mischiefe,And in my woes beginner it to end:That was Pryene.

Smith little dreaming of that accident, being got to the marshes at the river's head, 20 miles in the desert, had his 2 men slaine (as is supposed) sleeping by the Canowe, whilst himselfe by fowling sought them victual, who finding he was beset by 200 Salvages, 2 of them he slew, stil defending himselfe with the aid of a Salvage his guid (whome bee bound to his arme and used as his buckler), till at last slipping into a bogmire they tooke him prisoner: when this news came to the fort much was their sorrow for his losse, fewe expecting what ensued.