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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lord \Lord\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Lorded; p. pr. & vb. n. Lording.] To play the lord; to domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; -- sometimes with over; and sometimes with it in the manner of a transitive verb; as, rich students lording it over their classmates.

The whiles she lordeth in licentious bliss.

I see them lording it in London streets.

And lorded over them whom now they serve.


Lording \Lord"ing\, n. [Lord + -ing, 3.]

  1. The son of a lord; a person of noble lineage. [Obs.]

  2. A little lord; a lordling; a lord, in contempt or ridicule. [Obs.]

    Note: In the plural, a common ancient mode of address equivalent to ``Sirs'' or ``My masters.''

    Therefore, lordings all, I you beseech.


n. 1 (context archaic English) lord 2 (context obsolete English) lordling vb. (present participle of lord English)

Usage examples of "lording".

When Jaime had arrived, Merrett Frey had been the castle bully, lording it over all the younger boys.

Lordings, the time wasteth night and day, And steals from us, what privily sleeping, And what through negligence in our waking, As doth the stream, that turneth never again, Descending from the mountain to the plain.

Lordings, I could have told you (quoth this Frere), Had I had leisure for this Sompnour here, After the text of Christ, and Paul, and John, And of our other doctors many a one, Such paines, that your heartes might agrise,* *be horrified Albeit so, that no tongue may devise,* -- *relate Though that I might a thousand winters tell, -- The pains of thilke* cursed house of hell *that But for to keep us from that cursed place Wake we, and pray we Jesus, of his grace, So keep us from the tempter, Satanas.

But none of the Seelie Court would rise up, as King John’s lordings did, and bring the Sidhe to book.