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n. (plural of loophole English)

Usage examples of "loopholes".

Inside the garden files of men queued to take their turn at the loopholes, so that the musket-fire never slackened and the heavy lead balls smashed into the mass of Frenchmen who still ran forward from the trees to be baulked by the wall.

When Mabel awoke the light of the sun was streaming in through the loopholes, and she found that the day was considerably advanced.

His companion fired through one of the splintered loopholes and his bullet ricocheted down the dark corridor.

Glass crashed onto cobbles as soldiers bashed out window-panes to make crude loopholes for muskets.

Sharpe could hear the sound of pickaxes making yet more loopholes in the thick walls of the barns and house.

Others fired through the British loopholes, while the bravest tried to climb the wall and some even straddled it to stab down with their long bayonets.

Whereas the priesthood of Jupiter was beyond all legal loopholes because it was older even than the Twelve Tables, as Pavo Caesar was certainly intelligent and well-read enough to know.

The shadowed eyelids, the slant of the roof, the string of dark loopholes, these came into sight first, then the slight shadows pouring down the fluted walls, which in spite of their elegance had the solidity of a fortress.

She came out upon an empty floor beneath the roof, with light climbing in dimly through all the deep, pillared loopholes on all four sides of the tower.

And find a dozen legal loopholes to slide through before I ever come to trial on the evidence they can put together without you!

At the same time, the assailants fired briskly on them through the loopholes, and, placing a petard under the walls, threatened to blow them into the air.

Three rushed out, and were shot: the others stood on their defence, fired from windows and loopholes, and killed six or seven of the French, who presently succeeded in setting fire to the house, which was thatched with straw.

The boys, who were twelve and ten years old, aided by the soldiers, whom her words had inspired with some little courage, began to fire from the loopholes upon the Iroquois, who, ignorant of the weakness of the garrison, showed their usual reluctance to attack a fortified place, and occupied themselves with chasing and butchering the people in the neighboring fields.

In one of them some of the loopholes for musketry are still left open.

Such as were able to do so fenced their dwellings with palisades, or built them of solid timber, with loopholes, a projecting upper story like a blockhouse, and sometimes a flanker at one or more of the corners.